chapter 1

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Takes place directly after the movie.

Kingsley company out did the Ascot's in a matter of months. Their business boomed and for years they were amazing. Then Time did as he always does, and ran out of days that he could give to Helen Kingsley, knowing how soft he is when it comes to Alice he probably gave her more than he should have.

By that stage, Alice still hadn't found anyone to compare to her Hatter. But then again, how could dull dreariness of English men compare to the fascinating creatures that were Underlain men. The answer, they couldn't.

Margaret was happily married, still to Lowell who told her all about his affair with Hattie, as soon as Alice left for China, of course. They had two beautiful little boys, who were Margaret's sun, moon and stars, especially after Helen past on. Alice, however, was all alone and had all of lost hope of returning to Underland, after all Time told her not to return, she couldn't go down the rabbit hole or through the looking glass as Hamish had possession of both. But most of all, she had expected Tarrant to have moved, if he had even ever loved her.

Alice sold the company after Helen's passing, but not to Hamish, who made several offers, they were fairly substantial amounts too. Instead she sold it to another company who out-bid the Ascot's, much to Alice's delight, even though she would have given it to them without them paying a penny. Then she gave the money received she gave to her sister to spend upon her nephews and gave them her house and possessions as well.

But she didn't know why. It was just instinct. What instinct she didn't know, but she did all anyway. And the same day, that she house was put in the boys' name, Nivens McTwisp arrived at Margaret and Lowell's estate, in the garden waiting for Alice to follow him, and she did.

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