chapter 11

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Time is a strange fellow, sometimes he is slower than a snail, other times he passes quicker than the blink of an eye. It all depends on your mood, if you are joyous and well, or if you sad and miserable.

And it would appear that Alice and the Hatter were happier than anyone could possibly be as a year had passed in no time all. This year had progressed with a mixture of moonlit picnics, strolls through the gardens and sneaky kisses. There could not have been a happier soul than the pair.

One snowy afternoon was when the pair sparked excitement in Underland. Early that morning they went out in the snow, and returned inside to warmth of the fire by noon. However reentering the house their conversation went a bit like this.
"Alice, I truly must insist that we go back out later on... About 3 o'clockish." Tarrant said smooth as you please.
"Why on earth would you wish to venture out into the cold later, at a pacific time?" Alice inquired coyly.
"No reason for the pacific time, I just heard a rumor that something very beautiful was to be revealed, under our favorite tree at 3.15, that's all my dear." Tarrant replied losing his cool slightly, but not completely.
"Ah I see... You know very much like a man hiding something." Alice teased, knowing that if he was, his voice would get very high pitched, his bushy eyebrows would rise and he wouldn't be able to look her in the eye. And sure enough he replied, "Not at all my dear," with all of these symptoms.
"Whatever you say Tarrant."

So at exactly 3 o'clock, Tarrant was rushing her out the door. They made their way to a tree where the pair had shared many picnics, kisses and had fallen asleep in each other's arms. It had begun to snow again when they arrive to Break Heart Tree, Tarrant and Alice's favorite tree, for some reason the most magical, beautiful place in all of Underland had a very depressing name. Break Heart Tree was a sheltered area away all the bustle and chaos of the Castle. It wasn't far from the Hightopp hat shaped manor, either. Currently there were icicles glistening down the curly branches of Break Heart Tree. The snow was swirling around the heads of the couple, creating a very romantic setting.
They stood directly beneath the tree and that is when Tarrant began his speech. His eyes were the deepest purple and flecked with the purest gold.
"Alice Kingsley, I love with all my heart and soul. I now know what exactly I must say. I spent all of my free time that I wasn't with you, wondering what I should say at this exact moment, Chess believed it had to extravagant. Mally believed it had to be short and to the point. However Thackery told me it had to he from the heart. So that is why I brought you here. Extravagance is out in the snow, under the Heart Break Tree, the place we love to spend time together. Short and to the point is what I'm about to say and all if this is from my heart. Alice Kingsley will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
Tarrant was now on one knee with a beautiful silver engagement ring with a diamond surrounded by tiny sapphires, in a small blue box. Alice was in complete bliss. "Yes Tarrant. Of I will marry you!"


That's the ring up top
~Fair Farren All

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