chapter 18

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Alice was still haunted by the memory of the old man. His odd familiarity confused her, as despite her time in Underland, wasn't familiar with many in the Outlands, especially men. She avoided men. Simple reason, in underland there were three types of men.

The first were men who were rude and arrogant and who treated women like dirt, they reminded her of Hamish. Then there was the few who treated them like goddesses, worship the ground like walked on and loved them dearly, pacific ones though, they reminded her of the way Zinik treated Tyvia. And last but not least were the ones who treated them like they were equals, fairly and never said a foul word towards them, they reminded her Tarrant.

This old man hadn't shown any these traits, and was oddly familiar. She didn't know many in the Outlands, but she asked around a bit, but no one had heard of this black smith and when Alice when back to find him, he wasn't there. It was as if he never existed. And Alice didn't know where else to look. She missed Tarrant, he'd know what to do. then it hit, her he reminded of her husband. 'Come to me, mo ghrá.' Alice thought.

Sorry this took so long to update and that its so short~ fair farren all!

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