Chapter 9

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Tarrant didn't speak out in the crowded thrown room, instead decided to find a moment when his love was alone. Of course Mally wasn't helping.

The Mallyumkin was no longer on top of the hat, but siting across from Tarrant in his parlour. The pair were enjoying breakfast. Until Mally began a rant about his fair Alice. "Its always all about Alice! Honestly!," then the dormouse continued to complain about Alice, complaining about things that she didn't ask for. "She must remember! Only Alice can save Tarrant! You must help us wake the champion! Get out of bed-" "MALLY! Alice did not ask for any of this she didn't ask us to bring her back to a land she couldn't even remember or ask if she could save me OR to be poisoned! She didn't even ask to fall down that rabbit hole when she was seven years old! No the first time she came to Underland was was an accident, then McTwisp lead her down that rabbit hole when we needed her to slay the jabberwocky AND during my illness she saved me because she was my friend. She didn't even give it a second thought, the same as I would have done if it was the other way round!" Mally wasn't pleased to hear that and didn't hide it. "And then, she returned to us grieving and most unfortunately ran a foul some Wordsworth! So Mallyumkin when you have thought of all of this and not your bloody bed I will continue this conversation with you!"

With that Tarrant stormed out of his suite in the castle. He regained composure headed for the gardens.
The gardens always provided him with peace and a slight bit of sanity when he truly lost his temper. They were a safety net to catch when he went just a tad too far . However, it seemed to Tarrant that it wasn't going to be quite as easily as merely sitting in the the flamboyant gardens for a while, not taking a leisurely stroll through them, but he had to try.
The peevish hatter sat on a less ornate bench than the one on the balcony, for an hour with no prevail, so started his stroll the garden, but it was more like a trudge through it. And it wasn't working. Until he was joined by a familiar smiling face. And it was not Chess, between you and me probably would have had the opposite affect, if it had of been that wretched cat.

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