chapter 22

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As the swirling sky came to a stop and the ground settled once more, Alice and Tarrant looked around to see that they were back at their wedding day. Alice was once again in her snow coloured silky dress but the once white roses on the dress were now a perfect orangey-red and a light blue.

They both look around and laughed elated that they hadn't really missed any time any their families weren't missing them or worried for very long.

The congregation looked up at the couple with confusion, no doubt they would have questions later but for now they let the couple have their moment.

"Now where were we?" He whispered into his wife's ear, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her softly.

"I believe that we were getting our happily ever after." Alice giggled in his ear.

"No cricket, our happy beginning."

Tarrant grinned at the world, with his wife on his arm he led his friends and love to the ballroom where they danced all night, until they heard the cock crow and saw the sun begin to creep across the gardens. But they didn't go to bed until one last futterwacken was danced, Tarrant leading everyone of course.

The newly wedded Hightopps waltz to bed ready to spend the rest of their lives together.

Well dearies that's it. Thank you all for sticking with me until the end. You have all been such an encouragement in my writing from suggestions to requests for updates. In know I'm finished with this story but I won't stop writing Alice based stories. Lately I have been very interested in the chronicles of naria so I think I might try and do a aiw/attlg version of the movies  as I don't have the books as a guide. Tell what you think of this idea.
Fair farren for now my friends.

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