Chapter 15

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Alice was joined by Hetty, Mirana, Iracebeth and Time at the top of the aisle just out of site of the mad hatter and of the guests (the whole of Underland). Alice was as nervous as can be, when she remembered the note she received earlier, a voice invaded her mind, it sounded like Hamish's mother, Lady Ascot, only couldn't possibly be, because it expressed genuine concern, kindness and destress, "Return home Alice," it pleaded, but Alice replied, "I already am," defiantly.
And once again she forgot the message, when Time asked, "Are you ready?" Alice felt as if she had swallowed a whole nest of bread and butterflies. But she nodded with a huge smile on her face, courage evident in her eyes and said, "ready for the greatest adventure of my life? Definitely."
Alice took Time's arm when he offered it and the began the short journey down the aisle. Tarrant and Alice's eyes just locked onto each other as soon as they could see one another, as if nothing else mattered. All Alice's nerves just melted under his gaze. All the guests just stared and admired Alice's beauty, with jealousy. The men were jealous of the hatter, who didn't care how beautiful Alice was and the women were jealous of how beautiful she was and how she found one of the rare men in Underland who did not believe looks mattered. But Alice and Tarrant didn't even see them, only each other.
Time and the bride reached the alter and he gave away her to her groom, and then took his seat.

"Dearly beloved," Cheshire began. "We have gathered here to celebrate the union of Alice Kingsley and Tarrant Hightopp in holy matrimony. Anyone who has any reason to object to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." Alas no one spoke during the moment of silence after the question was asked. "Right then let's get on with this wedding! Do you Alice Kingsley, take Tarrant Hightopp to be your lawfully wedded husband? For richer, for poorer? In sick and in health? 'Till death do you part?" Alice smiled and said, "I do." Then chess turned to Tarrant and repeated his questions. "Do you Tarrant Hightopp, take Alice Kingsley to be your lawfully wedded wife, for richer, for poorer? In sickness and in health? 'Till death do you part?" Tarrant gave a goofy smile, "Most definitely!" Then Cheshire announced, "May I have the rings?" Which the Tweedles brought up to the alter on pale blue velvet cushions. The best man ane maid of honor, Thackery and Hetty, removed the rings from the cushions and handed the bride and groom, one each. "Now Alice," chess recommenced. "Repeat after me, I, Alice Kingsley." "I, Alice Kingsley." "Take thy, Tarrant Hightopp." "Take thy, Tarrant Hightopp." "To love and to cherish." "To love and to cherish." "Until the end of Underland." "Until the end of Underland." All this whiles Alice slid the ring onto Tarrant's finger. The Cheshire cat then had Tarrant complete the same process, with Alice. After the ring was firmly on Alice's finger, the grinning cat proclaimed, "You may now kiss the bride." Tarrant didn't need to be told twice.
Everyone clapped and cheered for the newly weds. When they pulled apart minutes later. Tarrant whispered in Alice's ear. "There's an inscription on each of the rings, yours says 'mo chroí' and mine says 'mo ghrá' which means"- but Alice never did find out what it meant as the ground began to shake and the sky began to spin.

Sorry for the cliffhanger sweeties!! But I had always planned this chapter ending like this right from the beginning.
Mo chroí means my heart and mo ghrá means my love. They are Irish terms, and I will be using Irish as the language of the out lands, but I will always translate. I know Scottish Gaelic would have been better, but I do not know it and and Irish is a similar language and I am fluent Irish, but English is my first language.
If you have any questions just comment or pm me! 😉 😉 😉

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