chapter 14

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Alice awoke at the crack of dawn, along with Hetty, who was just as excited as the bride to be. It was too early to begin to prepare for the wedding, so the pair decided to have tea.
They were enjoying telling each other funny tales about the groom, when a servant arrived with a knock at the door with two messages on a silver tray.
"These arrived for you ladies, I assume that your messagener has left their names on the messages because they didn't leave their names on the notes that lay on top of each of them say that they were to be delivered to you two." He announced to the pair, then left to return to his duties, leaving the duo to read their messages in private.
Alice's note read: Return home Alice ~ Overland.
Hetty's note read: Every book has ending, and this one has reached its end, so it shall begin again ~ Underland.
The pair exchanged confused glances and showed each other the notes.
"Let's not worry about them today. After all it's your and Tarrant's special day." Hetty said. "Your right, but we must look into this tomorrow." Came the reply. "Surely it can wait until after the honeymoon?" Hetty asked mischief clear in her voice. "Yes, your right as always Hetty," Alice smiled. Smiling back Hetty exclaimed, "Finally! Someone realizes that I'm always right!" Then they both burst in a fit of laughter.

After that they began to prepare themselves for the wedding. Mirana did Alice's makeup and Iracebeth did her hair, then Hetty helped into her dress. Then the three bridesmaids got themselves ready. They put on the teal, floor length dresses that Alice had picked out months prior to the wedding, as it looked well on all three of her chosen bridesmaids. After that they arranged simple up styles into each others hair.

Tarrant was also readying himself for the best adventure he would ever have. He wore a brilliant new suit, shiney new shoes and his customary Hightopp hat. He was going over his speech, which be made before dinner, with Thackery. And wondering how amazing Alice would look walking down the aisle. Then he remembered just how gorgeous his bride to be was, and that it would be impossible to make her even more beautiful.All of this whiles wearing a smile bigger than even the Cheshire cat could ever manage.
Speaking of which, he would be officiating at the ceremony. And was currently in the vanishing world, practicing the ceremony in peace, where could not be interrupted.
And the man who would escort Alice Kingsley down the aisle to the alter where she would become Alice Hightopp, and embark upon her life's greatest adventure yet, was making his way down from his castle, after all Time was never late, because he waited for no man.

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