chapter 7

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Once Tarrant calmed his sister, he went to bed, he figure his Alice would be asleep by now and he lay awake no sign of sleep coming to him. But Underland's champion was not. She was awake and could not find rest, but then again she had just slept for six weeks. She started to think back to six weeks ago when she ran the the hatter's table.

Flash Back*

Falling down the rabbit whole, from Margaret's estate. Not saying goodbye, ah well! Tumbling, plunging, descending further and further down the dark hole. Objects like pianos and bookcases came hurdling toward her but never hitting her, she bounced of the bed and fell further down the dim passage. Shrinking to the right size to fit through the door, opening the minuscule door, to her truest home. Brambles and briars clogged up the path way, but she ran through anyway. One such thorny branch, sky blue with purple thorns, was hissing and snapping at her feet, legs, hands and arms. it managed to stab her, on her upper torso, over her heart. It stung, but not too terribly, so she ran on. She reached the table, the hatter was about to leave because he was upset, whiles everyone else was going to stay to finish tea. She talk to Tarrant, set his mind at peace, suddenly her mother's death, which she hadn't really been believing, hit her like a rock, along with every other sad event that ever happened to her. Her felt like it was spinning out of control, her heart pounding off the insides of her chest, ready to burst out. Tarrant noticed her sudden feeling of illness. She tried to wave it away, as if it was nothing. Then she collapsed, and her memory of the event went no further.

Flash Back ends*

The memory kept taunting her, like it was an awful secret she alone had to keep. But she couldn't. She didn't want to wake the hatter, again she didn't want to seem weak. Instead she went to wake another dear friend, Mirana. However she found the white queen wasn't asleep either, but sitting at her fire side, catching up with her older sister, who's head had shrunk tremendously, Iracebeth looked unrecognisable. Apart from the red dress of course.

"Majesties, my apologies for interrupting -" "Not at all Alice! If it weren't for you we probably still couldn't sit in the same room still!" Iracebeth stopped her. "Come join us," Mirana beckoned. "Yes your majesty." was the reply, then Alice crossed the room. "Oh and Alice, do just call us by our first names, we want you to consider of friends," Iracebeth smile kindly, the woman truly had changed. Or maybe she just let her true self show because all of her anger had gone away.

"Okay, em, I was wondering or hoping that you could tell me a about a certain type of plant,"then she continued before they could interrupt her, "I know it seems of no importance but I just remember being stung by this plant, before I reached Tarrant's table...." "Could describe this plant? In detail?" Iracebeth asked. "Yes," Alice replied. "It was as blue as the clearest sky, and purple deep and dark like the last of the setting sun." "Oh, my dear word! Then it is a miracle that you are are alive, and if you do survive this poison, you are put in a sleep like death, one you can only be awoken from by true love's kiss..... But who is your true love? There isn't any other to awaken once you have been struck with the dagger like thorns of Wordsworth!" The red queen sounded shocked, then happy for Alice finding her true love, and finally dead serious when she said the name of the deadly abomination.

"But who could possibly love me enough, to call themselves my true love, to wake me from my slumber? There is simply know one who would love me that much!" Alice believed this to be very true, and that is no lie. "Is there anyone that you love that much?" Mirana asked after a moment of awkward silence. "I don't know, maybe? Possibly....." Alice muttered. "Who then?" the red queen asked softly. There was long silence that felt like centuries to the two queens. And then barely louder than a whisper, "Tarrant Hightopp."

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