Chapter 16

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~Last time~
"There's an inscription on each of the rings, yours says 'mo chroí' and mine says 'mo ghrá' which means"- but Alice never did find out what it meant as the ground began to shake and the sky began to spin.

Alice's world turned upside down that day. She remembered it vividly.
Flash back
The sky and earth continued to shake and spin as a tornado wind swirled. All the inhabitants of Underland disappeared into the wind apart from Alice, even Tarrant.

Then everything froze. Alice stood on the ground, in her white wedding dress, but she was no longer in the castle garden. She appeared to be in a white throne room. But it wasn't in Marmoreal, no it was much grander, larger and even more pristine -if that was possible, than the throne room in Marmoreal.

There were two thrones at the end of the hall, one pure sapphire, the other pure ruby. There was also the broken remains of an emerald one, as if it had only been broken only moments ago. Upon the ruby throne sat a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes, as dark as an oak tree. She wore a pale pink dress. On the sapphire throne sat a woman with brown hair and eyes as blue as the clearest sky. She wore a dark purple dress dress, it reminded Alice of Tarrant's eyes most of the time these days- Alice believed that that colour meant love.
"Come forward, Alice," commanded the blonde woman. "Who are you? I don't know you. How do you know who I am?" Alice demanded. "Be calm daughter of Kingsley, wife of Hightopp," the brunette said. "We are the daughters of the earth, Underland and Overland. We have another sister, her name is Jealousy. She was banished from this land of beauty, between our worlds, it has all the most beautiful things from both our lands and they are enhanced in some little way so they are some how different, such as this holds a resemblance to throne room in the castle of Marmoreal. Jealousy was banished from here because of a terrible faith she has befouled to Underland. To you," the brunette, named Underland explained. "You still haven't really answered any of my questions, and what has Jealousy done to me?" Then Alice was answered by Overland. "Alice, its because of Jealousy you are here. But we must explain who we are, before we tell you what horrendous thing she done to you. Underland and Overland has always had a concept of mother nature. We are it, we are each land's versions of decider of life and death, the weather and natural things. They also have the green eyed monster, of greed and envy. Jealously always hated the happiness we spread to our lands, so every so often she would spread sorrow to the lands and make an individual or individuals sad, by taking a loved one from them before their natural time, but never has she don't something on this scale..." "I still don't understand what Jealousy has done." "Jealousy despises anyone who is happy. And you were marrying the man of your dreams, surrounded by all your friends. Tarrant was marrying the love of his life, with his family- who he once believed to be dead, by his side. Jealousy could not be more -well....jealous. So she sentenced you to a life of misery because you were too happy." " Forgive me for saying so, but you seem to dancing around my question Overland, so perhaps you can answer me Underland. What has Jealousy done?"
"That brings us to why you are here. You have a decision to make. Jealousy has put Underland on a loop, Alice after, after Alice is now to face the challenges you had to face in Underland. They will wander into Underland in their childhood, then will be recalled to Underland when they are older they will be recalled to Underland to slay the Jabberwocky. If they survive or wish to, they will return to be faced with a dying Hatter, and they may not be able to return the chronoshpere on time, or may not be brave enough to face Time. Or Tarrant might not even trust the Alice. Believe me there will be many of these combinations. Tarrant will not fall in love again though, and neither will you, no matter what you decide." "What decision do I have to make?" "Will you stay in my land, and watch your love suffer, without even knowing you're there for him? Or will you return home, to your sister and her husband and your nephews?" "Its was Overland who asked me before the wedding to return home. Ask your sister what my exact words were." Overland then spoke first time since Alice cut her out of the conversation, "She told me- a most defiant tone, that she already was." Underland frowned, "You do realize that this decision cannot be changed," then Alice nodded. "And you will watch those you love be born, live and die over and over again, but shall you not age." Alice nodded once more. "Very well. You know Jealousy probably will not allow you to interact with your friends. And also now Underland and Overland's time lines will now be out of sinc, so for all you know some of the Alices that venture here could be descendants of your sister Margaret." "Thank you ladies, I will put the information you have just given me to good use. Tell me though, how am I supposed to leave?" Underland's champion asked. "Our butler who waits for you outside the door will show you out. God bless you, child of my land," Overland said as her way of wishing her well. "Thank you," Alice said politely, then turned on her heels to leave when she was called back by Underland. "Alice come here for a moment. I have something for you, please allow me to give it to you before you leave." "Okay," Alice replied unsure of what to do. Underland arose from her grand sapphire throne and handed Alice a mahogany box. "Open it once your back in Underland." "Yes, ma'am." Then exited the hall to the butler, who gave her a small cake that looked rather like a large slice of Thackery's batten berg. He instructed her to eat the whole thing. Then the great white castle disappeared and she was in Tuggly Wood. She opened the box it had a note in it the read, I think it is best you have this, rather than allow Jealousy destroy it~ Underland. Beneath the note there was a gold ring hanging on a dark blue ribbon. Tarrant's wedding ring.
End of flash back
It had been a year since then and Alice watch the timeline tumble out in all ways, shapes and forms but never properly. And in all that time Alice kept Tarrant's ring on the ribbon around her neck, close to her heart where he should be, her own ring beside it. Both looked after carefully, as if they were the children they would never have the chance to have.

Sorry that took so long to update, but I wasn't sure how to write this chapter. But I knew all a long that Alice had to get Tarrant's ring, somehow, and she had to have it on a blue ribbon, around her neck, to never let go of it.

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