chapter 19

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"Oh, my dear, if you can hear me, come back to me."
Said a chimney sweep, in the alley of Witzend that Alice was walking through. She didn't often travel into the town, however it was the anniversary of the Frabjous and the festival there was beautiful. This Alice died whiles destroying the Jabberwocky.

Alice looked around, the voice lisped, and croaked. Alice was looking around to see if she could help the poor soul. She bent down and into the big bewitching green eyes, she placed a hand on his face.

"Tarrant? Is that you?" Alice asked.
"Yes, Alice. I'm here, I'm always here." The hatter replied.
"Oh Tarrant I missed you.... Wait a minute! You were the old black smith, weren't you? Helping me figure what's going on. Although, I don't really understand what's going on...." She said
"Yes, that was me. And well you see it's all Jealousy, she wanted you to believe that I lived happily ever after with all of these other Alices. And for you to be miserable. Whiles I could only watch you from a distance, seeing your suffering and pain, it was killing me. But I knew that there different this time around, you were braver, more sure of yourself, you had your old flare back and I knew that I couldn't let this golden opportunity pass. So I went to a doormouse and asked them to whisper in your ear at night until you were influenced to come to blacksmith shop. And you did come. I was happy. Then Jealousy stop me from telling you that was me. And you slipped out of my reach again......" Explained Tarrant.
"But I'm here now." Alice comforted.
"Yes, yes you are, but how did you know it was me? I look very unlike myself...." The hatter rambled.
"I guessed you were you. I knew who you were after I met the blacksmith." She wiped a bit of soot from his cheek.
"How?" He lisped.
"A ginger curl fell from under the wig." His wife giggled in reply.
"I love you," Tarrant lisped.
"I love you, too!" Alice said kissing him passionately.

Sorry about the slow updates Dearie's! But you can all thank MUSIClub101 for texting me and my lack of checking my messages, so I felt that I needed to update because I ignored (not on purpose) them.
I also apologize for how short this update is.
But we are nearing the end of the story, I think. I honestly don't know if it is, but we shall see.

Fair Farren all! xx

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