chapter 4

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Weeks went by and Alice didn't wake up. The Hatter was sitting by her beside, wishing she would open her hazelnut eyes. He talked to her, hoping for a reply. 

"Do you remember, when you were just seven years old? You told me a story... You know at this point would've said, 'What story?' And the answer to that is Sleeping Beauty. You told me that the princess fell into a deep sleep and only could be awoken by true love's kiss.... You told me that she was the most beautiful maiden in all the land..... That many described her as young girl with fair hair and a pale completion. To me you are the most beautiful maiden in all the land. And you most certainly are all those other things.... Perhaps you too.......need a prince charming...... to save you."

And with that leaned down and lightly placed a kiss on her lips, alas she did not awaken.

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