chapter 12

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A wedding is very stressful to plan in Overland, but in Underland everything is quite different, and one tends to relax more during the process, however that didn't stop Alice worrying about what her husband to be was up to behind the locked doors of his study. Tarrant's study is always full of fabrics and buttons and feathers and pins and needles and ribbons and of course hats. And now wedding plans have exploded all over the room and the already messy room became almost impossible to navigate through the jungle like room.

Tarrant refused to allow Alice to plan the wedding as he knew that women from Overland became extremely stressed when it came to affairs such as this. They had both agreed on being married on the anniversary of the Frabjous Day. The Queens red and white were working on Alice's dress as Tarrant was not allowed to see it as per tradition of both lands. Tarrant had designed what everything else. From the ballroom to the garden in which the wedding would take place, from the cake to the meal, from the entertainment to invitations.

Tarrant had asked to have the wedding in the castle garden and Mirana and Irasebeth were thrilled to have the castle as the wedding's venue. The couple were to be married beneath an arch way that was intertwined with white and pink roses. The guests would sit on individual chairs, which were covered in white satin with blue ribbon wrapped into bows at the top of the chair. A pale blue runner would placed on the aisle, on the path way to Alice and Tarrant's new life together. All this under a white canopy to protected the beautiful scene from the rain.

Indoors the largest ballroom in the castle would be filled with round tables, surrounded by chairs of the same design as the one as outside, apart from the rather spacious dance floor. A band that could play any song that was requested, even Overland ones! They would sit on a stage just in front on the dance floor.

The meal would consist of 3 courses. The starter was a range of soups or a fruit salad. The main was anything you desire and the desert could be chosen from a range of ice creams, jellies and cakes, such as brownies, chocolate fudge cake, batten berg and many others.

The cake is three tiers high. The bottom and largest one is Victoria sponge Alice's favourite. The second one is orange chocolate fudge and the last one is chocolate twirl, a mixture on vanilla and chocolate cake swirled together perfectly. The cake is decorated with a large colourful edible hat which has two long edible ribbons running from the hat around the whole cake and roses in many shades of blue sit on said ribbons.

The Queens worked on a dress for Alice. It was white silk with white roses sewn onto different places around the dress. There was a train following the dress. The veil was plain and simple and would be held into Alice's hair by silver and gold hat shaped slide.

Alice decided that she would ask Time to stand in place of her father, who he referred to as the fallen soldier. Alice believed that from what little she had been told about her wedding and the fact she knew her hatter would make sure that the day was amazing, she would have the best wedding ever.


PS, that's the dress up top, well as close to what I imagined that I could find
~ Fair Farren All

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