Chapter 13

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The day before the wedding had arrived and the castle was buzzing. And Tarrant and Alice were enjoying their last few hours together, before the men would drag Tarrant off for a night of horrors unknown, well according to Tarrant anyway.

"I love you, cricket," he whispered softly into Alice's ear. "And I you, my mad man " Alice replied. He then placed a gentle kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, a thought that had been eating away at him arose in his head, what had Alice planned for tonight, or worse still, what torture was she in for? Naturally curiosity got the better of him. "Alice, my love?" Alice hummed in replied. "What's instore for you this evening, my dear?" A shadow of fear crossed Alice's face and Tarrant frowned at this. "I honestly have no idea. Like most things about my wedding, I wasn't allowed plan this evening." Alice said seriously, but then laughed to show Tarrant that she was just teasing. "I truly have no idea of what their Majesties have planned for me. But what about you what do you have to do on your last in night without me?" She asked coyly. "I have no idea, and it scares me, a little bit, not a lot......." The hatter admitted. "Oh you poor baby, something scares the big bad mad hatter," Alice replied, false sympathy laced thickly in her tone. "Oi!!!!!! You cheeky little cricket," then Tarrant looked at the clock, "Oh my dear, sweet cricket. I will see tomorrow, when your all dressed up, and I'll marry you." "You better." They shared one last kiss and then Tarrant left to face the last night would ever have to face without Alice by his side.
And Alice enjoyed a pamper night with all her friends, well the female ones anyway.

Sorry that short chapter took so long to write, and if you think its rubbish blame it on the fact I was sick whiles writing it and stuck doing nothing but watch television, so I decided to get this chapter sorted, fair farren all.

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