Sequel notice + Spoiler

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Okay I lied, I'm not done with this story, and I have no inspiration for my original plan to do an aiw/attlg version of naria.

I came up with this whiles 'studying' for my summer exams. It's strange,I got most of my writing done for this book around this time last year when I was doing my exams! Hopefully I get lots done over the next week!

Anyways here the part your probably reading this for the spoiler.

"Down with the bloody big head!" He yelled, his voice filled with pain hurt and regret, as he mounted his horse and set out to locate and destroy his brother's murderer.

Who did the Iracebeth kill? Who is the deceased's brother? And what will this mean for Iracebeth? Find out in "Down with the Bloody Big Head"

But for now fairfairren all.

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