chapter 20

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The pair set out to the out the Outlands, hand in hand, to where Alice had spend majority of her time. They then planed how they were going bring everything back to normal. But the hatter was finding it difficult to get a word in.

"What are we going to do? I mean, its preposterous!" Alice shouted.

"Alice-" Tarrant tried to cut in.

"We need to do something, this world is horrible!" But she ignorred him. 

"Dear-" Tarrant raised his voice

"It's nothing like home, everyone is not themselves and even the land is slightly disorientated-" She continued. 

"Alice!" Tarrant demanded. "I thought I was the terror for rambling!"

"You are, I was thinking out loud, and well my thoughts are..... very loud." Alice blushed.

"I wouldn't have it any other way now lets discuss this together. "  He laughed.

*Later that day*

Alice and Tarrant had spent most of the day coming up with a plan and went in search of Jealousy. They were walking through Tugely wood when Alice remembered something.

"TARRANT!" She yelled.

"What!?" She scared the poor man who had been lost in thought and bliss.

"I should haven this to you earlier, but I didn't because forgot alll about it!" She sighed.

Alice then began to fiddle with something at the back of her neck lost in her curls. "Alice, my dear what are you doing?" The hatter laughed.

Removing the blue ribbon from around her neck she said, "Giving you....."

She pulled at a circular object on the the ribbon. "This!" she said showing him his wedding ring.

"How did you get this?" Tarrant said staring at the ring in awe.

"It was given to me, by Underland herself, rather than let Jealousy get it." He smiled at her.

"That was rather thoughtful of her. I'm glad she did, I thought that she had destoried it, until you showed me it, at the blacksmith's. But I knew she was using yours as a torture method for you." Then she returned the smile.

"How?" Alice questioned.

"She told me, she told your suffering was believing that the other hatter was me. Mine was not being able to tell you that it wasn't real, therefore not being able to interact with you." Her smile faded.

"Why did she tell you this?" He intertwined his hands with hers.

"Because there was nothing I could do about it." Tarrant said, putting his ring on his finger

"Oh, Tarrant!" Alice said sympathically, kissing his cheek.

They didn't notice but a golden glow then appeared around them. Suddenly an emerald figure with auburn hair and eyes darker than the night sky, "No!" it screamed.

The pair spun round to see this figure and Alice identified it as Jealousy.

"Jealousy?" The champion asked.

"You!" Jealousy finger pointed at her.

"You were not supposed to win, it's not fair!" she whined. 

"You know it doesn't have to be like this, you could do anything. Come back to Underland with us and try find happiness there. Or return to your sisters. They're your family they'll forgive you." Alice tried to comfort her.

"Would they?" she sounded like a child.

"There's only one way to find out" smiled Tarrant.

After taking this in consideration for a moment she said, "You're right, very well."

Then she began the counter incatation.

"Home is where you belong,

Love is in true loves arms.

Time is healing,

I speak these words to reverse my curse, I'm sorry".

And the world spun once more.

Sorry about the slow update. Just in cast I don't update soon, HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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