You're a Monster

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I've never written a lemon before, but bear with me. It's probably going to suck but at least you will know what's going on (I hope).

Also, don't play the video until I tell you to.

Trigger warning

Lemon warning

I woke up. It was all a dream. But sadly, I was still tied up at wherever Yamcha was holding me. He was leaning against a wall, watching me wake up. "How are you feeling, (y/n)?" he said, sounding concerned.

"You're not going to break me, Yamcha, so you should just give up," I said.

"Screw it, I'm not waiting anymore," he said.

As he got closer by the second, time felt as though it were slowing down. My one wish was to be able to go Super Saiyan and escape while kicking Yamcha's ass, but I just didn't have the energy. Even though I knew there was no point, I jerked at my ropes, hoping a miracle would happen. I saw no results other than a victorious smirk from Yamcha.

I only have one more chance to stop this. "What would Bulma say, Yamcha?" I said. "You tried so hard to win her back, and if you stop now, I will not tell a soul about this."

He just chuckled. "Do you really think I left her alive, (y/n)?" If screaming had any use at this point, I would do it, but for all I know, we're halfway to the Earth's core.

Yamcha was standing above me, a murderous, lustful, insane look in his eyes. I looked away and cringed as I saw his hands come towards me. I heard and felt my shirt tear open. I wanted to scream for help, but what good would it do.



I can talk to him.

There's hope.

Trunks. I need help. Now.

Mom. I can't. This battle is getting heated.

This guy is a fucking rapist! Help me! Get someone to help me!

Mom I wish I could help you, I really do, but if one of us leaves, the rest of us die.

I guess you all dying would be worse. But answer one question for me.

Fine, but make it quick.

Is Vegeta your dad?

I'm a full-blooded Saiyan so I assume so.

That's all I needed to hear. Please hurry up, I'm physically not able to stall.

I was stripped down. "Yamcha, before you do this, I need to tell you something," I said.

"Fine. Make it quick," he spat.

"Vegeta is going to fucking slaughter you," I said. He seemed humored, yet pissed off.

"If he doesn't get killed in battle, I'll kill him myself," he said.

"As if you stand a chance," I said.

Starting here, this means that it's a flashback.
Play dat shit.

Yamcha's fist collided with my face, just hard enough to hurt like hell. "And that was nothing," he said.

He crawled on top of me, I couldn't bring myself to say another word. I knew it was too late to make him see how insane he's acting.

I can't shove him off, I can't kick and scream, I can't even bring myself to scream. I'm screwed. I felt his teeth dig into my neck. I wanted to make some sort of noise from the pain, but I couldn't.

I wanted to telepathically speak with someone for one last cry for help, but if I did, they could get killed.

Pain shot through me as Yamcha entered me. Still I couldn't get a scream out. I felt tears roll down my face as he aggressively thrusted in and out of me. I wanted to yell stop, I wanted to say uncle, but I couldn't. I was basically paralyzed from the fear and pain.

"Admit it, you want more," Yamcha said. I couldn't respond. I looked at him with an expression of pain as tears rolled down my face. "I'll take that as a yes." He grabbed a fistful of my hair and started to thrust even harder. It was almost enough pain to make me break out of this paralysis, but I still don't know if that's even possible. "Now, say you're mine."

"Fine, I just wanted to let you know that you're mine," he said. I was confused. Was that all he wanted to tell me?

I shook my head no. I wasn't his, and no amount of threats could make me say it. "Fine, play hard to get, but you'll pay for it," Yamcha said. He got up and left. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was getting something. I needed Vegeta right now. He's always been able to save me, and even though it's a little late, he can still make it.

Before he could answer, Vegeta dove at him and slammed him into the wall. He instantly hit the ground and Vegeta instantly put his foot down on his chest, not letting him get up. "Now, should I let you live and do this to other people or should I just end it?" he said.

"Please, I won't do it again, just let me go," he pleaded.

"It's funny, you sound like a child in trouble with their mother. But the thing is, children always do it again," he said. "Galik Gun!" The man disappeared completely.

Yamcha walked back in with a pocket knife in hand. He's going to kill me. "I'll get a noise out of you, maybe a cry," he said. He jammed the knife into my... yeah, girl thingy. Well, Yamcha was right. I started screaming bloody murder.

"Stop! Stop!" I screamed. Yamcha smiled victoriously.

"Looks like I finally broke you," he said. Is it over? No. I felt the knife twist and come out, causing me to scream again.

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die," I whispered.

"Don't worry, it didn't hit a blood vessel," he said.

We both heard a slam coming from upstairs.

"Ollie Ollie Oxen Bitch!"

He made it. Almost in time. But he made it. He's going to get me out of here.

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