A Heartbreaking Reunion

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Vegeta's POV

I kicked down Yamcha's front door after hearing my wife's screams from outside. "Ollie Ollie oxen bitch!" I yelled. I know what he did to everyone, Yajirobe, Korin, Bulma, (y/n)...

He's a monster, and that's coming from me. I'm going to kill him.

I felt a jab in my back. "You idiot," I said. I grabbed Yamcha's wrist and pulled it forward, knocking him on the ground, causing him to drop the knife that he was holding. He reached for it and I stomped on his wrist. He grabbed my other ankle and pulled it out from under me, knocking me flat on my ass. He pulled me to my feet by my armor and put his knife up to my throat.

"Let's go see her, shall we?" he said. I grabbed his forearm and pushed it away, but it was a struggle, he was determined to beat me. I still won.

"Coward," I muttered.

"Excuse me?" he said.

"Relying on weapons to beat me, how pathetic," I said. Yamcha smiled and threw his knife away. He began charging up an attack, and I followed suit. We both fired at the same time, and I tried to strengthen my attack to win the battle. Sadly, his attack overpowered mine, sending me flying into a wall. I decided that I'd fake an injury.

I started breathing heavily and clutching at the hole in my armor. "Do you really think I'm that stupid?" he said before stomping into the hole in my armor. Okay, that actually hurt pretty bad. He fired an attack that hit the hole in my armor, drawing some blood.

"How the hell did you do this?! Last time we fought, a damn saibaman killed you," I said.

"Well, it's simple, I realized that I wanted her for myself," he said. What he said made something click, and I went Super Saiyan and used instant transmission to get behind him.

"Big Bang Attack!" I yelled. The attack sent him flying and caused him to shed some blood, but it did no major damage. How did a human get this strong? He ran at me again, charging yet another attack. I grabbed his wrist and moved it, causing him to blow a hole through his ceiling. I pinned his wrist to his back and pinned him to the floor. "You may have picked up some new power, but you're still no match for me," I said. I felt my power level climbing higher and higher, higher than it's ever been before. I was charging a final flash from down on my knees with one hand. My power level was borderline out of control, I had better fire this now, before something goes wrong. "Final flash!"

The ground below me disappeared, but I managed to grab onto the edge of the newly formed hole in the ground. I was soaked in blood, both his and my own. But it was over, I killed him, there's no way in hell he survived that.

I managed to pull myself out of the hole. I had to find her. I know what that animal did to her. How was I supposed to approach this?

I glanced into the first room I passed. Figures, she's here. She doesn't look good. She's naked, covered in her own blood, and shaking in fear. That human broke her down. Since she's made it to Earth, all I've wanted to do is protect her, but I've failed miserably. She's hardly had a moment where she wasn't in danger, and I can't help but blame myself.

I walked into the room, she looked up, blatant fear in her eyes. "V-Vegeta?" she muttered, sounding and looking a bit relieved.

"(Y/n)... I'm sorry," I said.

"It's not your fault," she said. "I let my guard down."

"(Y/n), it's-"

"Just untie me, the last thing I want to do is talk about it. Also, I haven't moved in a couple of days," she said. I did as she commanded and untied her. The second I untied her, she tried to dive at me and hug me, but she seemed to be too weak. I picked her up and held her against me. I felt tears pooling up into my shirt and I heard her begin to sob.

"You're a villain, and you always will be, one of these days you won't be able to save them. You'll be too late. Then what will you do? Now you have to worry about failure, instead of being able to brush it off. Failure can lead to you or someone you love getting hurt or even worse, and I don't think you can handle that. And once you reach your breaking point, well, come to me, I could use another killer, Vegeta," ~random villain to be named soon.

Maybe I have reached my breaking point. After all, I've just made her life into a living hell.

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