chapter 2

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The Traveling Capers

8:25 AM

Alex POV

          "Alex, do you have my coffee?" Ashley asked, annoyance laced her voice. Ashley was always on my case "No but I will go and retrieve it now." I told her, not wanting to get yelled at. I hate getting in trouble. Since I'm just an intern, she could easily get me 'fired'. I've always wanted to travel and write about my findings, so joining the Traveling Capers was the easiest way to go. If you can find a story worth writing about, the head honcho will allow you and a few others to travel to that place to do some investigating. As I went to go get her coffee, I heard a voice shouting, "WAIT! STOP! DON'T MOVE! Check this out!" Justin's voice rang out and soon enough he was running towards us at full speed. We all scattered in order to avoid getting trampled. "Dudes look at what I've got!" he shouted in an excited voice before slamming a folder down. "Justin chill, what has got you so excited?" Gage asked with his brow raised. "I have a story that we can finally do ourselves!" Justin said, slightly out of breath. "Whoa seriously?! What is it? Where is it?" Hunter asked. "Missing people in Norbury, Canada. Reports say that people go missing year round, but most happen during the summer. Their woods are supposedly cursed since that anyone that goes in, never comes out." Justin finished in an eerie voice.

             "So...what you're saying is that all those missing people disappeared in the woods?" Gage asked. "Yea! And the people living in the town won't go near the woods. However, this place is a hot spot for tourist and even they have gone missing." Justin explained. "And you want to go there and camp in the cursed woods don't you?" I finished. Ok like I said, I love to travel. However, I am not too keen on traveling to a place that I could possibly become a missing person. "Hell yea! Wouldn't that be awesome? We could figure out what's happening to these people ." ok he is officially stupid. "What's the matter Alex? Scared that you could be murdered?" Sara sneered. Sara is a follower of Ashley and does whatever she says. "Well in all scary movies the fat one always dies first. So while you're being killed, we can run." Shelby finished. "I'm not scared!" I lied "I just don't think my folks are going to let me go somewhere potentially dangerous." I said. "Don't worry, I'm sure the boss will give you a permission slip for your parents to sign." Ashley said laughing. I sighed in defeat, I will always be looked down on while working here. "don't worry, I doubt Mr. Johnson will let us go. Besides ill protect you if we do." Gage whispered to me. "I'll be right back, I'm going to see if we can get this gig." Justin said as he ran to the Mr. Johnson's office.

A/N this is a little longer yay!! I'm already working on chapter 3 so that should be up sometime this week. if you like the way this story is going drop a comment, give it a vote or something to let me know if this story is even worth writing!

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