chapter 12

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May 27

2:20 pm

Alex Pov

I kept my gaze on the ground while Justin called the stranger; Josh I think is his name. My gut kept giving off this strange tingle like something was wrong. I wasn't going to deny it but I'm scared. I felt Gage hug me from behind. I didn't try to get out of his grip and act like it was funny this time; In fact, it is quite comforting. I think he knew I was worried about all of this, especially more now than before. When we were kids he would always try to protect me from the smallest of things; from keeping bugs off of me to keeping people from messing with me. I really like him but I don't want to ruin our friendship because of my petty crush. "You're thinking to hard again, I see the smoke coming out of your ears." Gage whispered in my ears. "Shut up! I am not." I defended with a blush and got out of his grip. He smirked when he saw my face. "Your face is red, definitely a sign of overheating." He said, putting his hand on my forehead. "Stop that!" I pushed his hand off my head. He just laughed.

"Well, three thirty we need to meet Josh on Somerset road. He said that's where we were at last night." Justin said with a grin. "Are we really going to do this? I mean we're not the police, and we were just here to write an article! We never said we were going to try and solve the case." I tried talking sense into them. "Quit being a baby! I highly doubt we will even run into the killer. It's too late now to turn around anyway so you're just going to have to suck it up and deal with it." Shelby told me. "Hey! Chill! Alex is just telling us what we all feel. We are all nervous about this so shut it." Gage told everyone. Then he walked back towards me, "I won't let anything happen to you, I'll stay with you the whole time." He whispered. I thought about and sighed "Fine but if I die, I'm haunting you." I told him. "That's the spirit! (pun intended) Now let's go get our things packed and ready to go meet Josh.

~Mini timeskip~

Somerset rd

3:20 pm

Justin pov

"Ok now we just wait here for—Agh!" Ashley cut me off with a scream and we all turned to see someone standing by her window. It was Josh. "What the F*** is your problem dude?! You can't just walk up to a vehicle and stand there!" Sara yelled at him once he got inside the van. I had him sit in the front so he could direct me to his place. "Girls shouldn't curse. It's not lady like." He told her with a voice colder than Alaska. "I can cuss all I want! Damn, S**t, Fu-" Alex cut off Sara's rant with her hand to her mouth. "I'm sorry, she was just scared and her reaction is to puff up and yell." Alex apologized and took her hand off of Sara's mouth. I'm glad Alex did come with us; she's a people pleaser and probably just got us out of a bad situation. "It's alright, she just can't act that way around my mom." He said. "You still live with your mom? Aren't you like thirty?" Shelby asked. "I'm twenty five. I stay with my family because they need me." Josh told us.

~Another mini timeskip~

3:56 pm

Josh's house

Josh Pov

I already couldn't stand most of the people in this car but I knew it would be worth it once they are turned into a meal. This Sara chick I already knew mom would not find acceptable as well as this Shelby girl. I knew all of their names since they decided to play the name game and tell everyone who they were. Ashley seemed decent but Alex was looking at a better chance. She already scored a point when she apologized for Sara and besides, she reminds me of a teddy bear. Something told me that the family would love her. "Take a right here and then head straight. This road leads right to the house." I told them. Once they step inside, the fun will begin.

Alex pov

We are a good thirty minutes from any civilization. I sure hope nothing-POP-...happens. I just jinxed us. "S**t I think our tire just popped guys." I heard Justin say. "It's not too much further, we can walk to the house. I'm sure my dad has a spare around there somewhere."Josh said. "Alright guys grab you things! We are going on a hike!" Justin told everyone. Everybody groaned. Only Justin can try to turn our frowns upside down.

We all got our things and started making our way to Josh's house. He was very helpful and held some of our bags. It was a quite walk for most of the way and for some reason Josh kept looking at me. I mean he was watching everyone but he kept staring at me for long periods of time. I was starting to get creeped out and pretty much stayed glued to Gage's side for the rest of the way.

Soon we reached the...mansion? Wow! I didn't know he lived in a mansion! 

I could tell it was old but it looked good for its age. Josh led us up the stairs and opened the door. I was stunned. The inside was gorgeous and did not disappoint! It looked better inside than out. ()

 "I'll get everyone situated-" Josh was cut off

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"I'll get everyone situated-" Josh was cut off. "Its fine dude we can do that later. Can we just go see if there is a tire around here so we can go get the van? It's a rental and I really don't want it to get vandalized." Justin said. "Who's going to vandalize it way out here?" Ashley asked. "Maybe the killer?" Hunter said sarcastically. "Alright but first I have to let everyone know I am home, why don't y'all go and make yourselves comfortable." Josh said pointing to a room on the right. We all walked that way as he went downstairs? Maybe his dad has a workshop down there or something. (or something) We walked into what looked like a living room which also looked nice. They had two black half circled couches with a blood red rug underneath (

 They had two black half circled couches with a blood red rug underneath (

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Not white though! Couches are black, rug is red!)

"Wow this place is nice!" Ashley said plopping down on the couch. "Hell yea it is!" Hunter shouted. "Ahem." We heard someone clear their throat; we turned to see who it was. "I won't tolerate profanity in my house." A middle aged woman said. ...uh oh.

(Oh no, Hunter you shouldn't have done that. What did Josh tell you on the ride there? Tsk Tsk.

Forgot to mention in an earlier chapter that the reason Josh leaves the house more than the others is because he has self control. If you aren't family then you are food. That's the house motto. Garret isn't too bad about it since he's human but he can't be in town longer than a few hours.

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