Chapter 15

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SURPRISE UPDATE!!! I was watching a horror movie (a bad one at that) and decide to write while I watched it.
Warning!! POV changes a lot in this one

May 27
5:30 pm

Gage Pov

I waited a while until I was sure they were gone. During my panicked state I wasn't thinking clearly and forgot all about my phone. I'm not sure if the others have theirs or not but I need to get in touch with someone.

I had searched the room for any type of camera before pulling my phone out. How stupid were these psychos? Not checking me for my phone was pretty unintelligent ...Never mind. I had no signal down here. I guess if there isn't any use for a phone, they won't care. I looked towards the door for the millionth time only to see that it still didn't have a knob on my side. I have to get out of here. Who knows what they are going to do to us! And Alex, she's up there with them unaware of what's really happening. I have to get her out of here. I promised I would protect her. I started to form a plan but they would have to come to first if I'm going to get everyone out safe.

Garret Pov

I finally got the bullet out of Josh's leg when Nora came back. "How is he?" she asked. "He's fine now. I was fixing to take him to his room." I told her. I know she likes to be there for our children but when it comes to blood, it can be difficult since it can bring out the beast in her. "I want to see this man that hurt my boy." She said. I chuckled. He's in for a bad time. I did a mock bow and said, "Right this way. I'll get Sean and Seth to take him back to his room."

We made our way down to the basement and stood in front of the bastard's door. I watched my wife in silence. She was angry. No that's an understatement. She was livid. "We are going to move him into room seven and then I want you to leave. I want to be alone for this. Get Alex out of the house; see if she wants to go hang out with the twins and their dogs. I don't think this sound proof basement is going to be very good for the treatment he's going to get. Speaking of her, let everyone know she's a keeper." The boys will be delighted to hear this. "Room seven it is." I said with a grin as I unlocked and opened the door. The man was still sleeping, which was good. We wouldn't want him trying to run or cause a ruckus...yet.

Alex Pov

I didn't lie about the room. It is nice but it is kind of creepy. Everything is a blood red color. I didn't have much time to dwell on it when someone knocked on the door. "Um, come in?" I questioned. Even at home, my family never knocks before entering my room.

The door opened and revealed the twins standing there. "Hey we was wondering" "If you wanted to see our puppies." One, who I believe was Seth started, and Sean had finished. My eyes lit up. They had puppies? Aww. "I guess I could for a little bit." I told them. Besides, I need to take my mind off of what's happened for a little while. I'm sure everyone is ok. I bet they have even made it back to town by now and Gage will text me telling me he's alright at any moment. I felt for my phone in my back pocket before heading towards the door. Their eyes held a shimmer of something but it was gone before I could tell what it was. "This way." Sean said with a fake English accent as he and Seth took my arms and entwined them with theirs.

Before I knew it we were out on the front porch. Then they did something that startled me at first. They started barking and making canine sounds. It actually sounded like a real dog. 'oh yea, Nora said they liked to imitate other people and animals.' I thought. The next thing I know, I'm on the ground with a huge dog on top of me. He was growling and showing his teeth and I was scared it was going to hurt me. "G-g-good b-b-boy." I stuttered and closed my eyes. "Please get him off." I whimpered, tears threatening to spill. I peaked open my eyes, looking for the guys and I saw movement to my left. There was another one. The dogs faces got closer and I closed my eyes again and then...something wet touched my face. My eyes opened fast and I noticed their tongues hanging out. 'Did they just' I didn't get to finish my thought when they started to lick my face. 'They did! I thought they were going to eat me!' "Oh man, you should have seen the look on your face!" Sean said laughing. "It was priceless!" Seth commented. I couldn't believe it. "You PLANNED this?! I was terrified!" I yelled, still under the dog. I guess I got through to them because they both got the dog off of me and hugged me.

Sean Pov

"We're so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." I whispered in her ear. Even though this is an apology hug, I can't help but want to stay like this. She's so soft. "It's ok, I shouldn't have made such a big deal." "No, we shouldn't have done that to you. It was mean of us." Seth told her as he stroked her hair. When dad told us that she gets to stay, we were so excited. She's so cuddly, sweet, innocent, caring, and just pure perfection. I looked towards my brother and I knew we shared the same thought. 'She will never leave. We won't let her.'

"Ok so here we have Milo (left) and Kuma (right)

and don't worry their bark is worse than their bite" I told her

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and don't worry their bark is worse than their bite" I told her. "Unless they don't like you, then they try to tear you limb from limb." Seth commented. I gave him a glare. "More like, if we don't like someone. Say a burglar or a salesman or-" "A murderer?" she cut me off. "Well, they say dogs can sense a bad human a mile away. So yes, a murderer would be on their radar as well." I told her. "But enough about that, who wants to play fetch." Trying to lighten the mood, I pulled out a chew toy and threw it. Milo and Kuma took off after the toy.

~Mini timeskip~

Alex Pov

We played with the dogs for about forty five when the twins were called inside by their dad. "We'll be right back, but just so we don't leave you bored." Seth turned towards a chest behind some rocking chairs. He beckoned me to come closer, which I did. "There are other toys here for them as well as treats. Just tell them what you want them to do and they will do it." Sean told me and then the two walked inside. I decided that I would walk around for a little bit. I'm not going far, just a walk around. With the dogs of course, they made me feel safer.

I walked around the house a few times while playing with the dogs. I was about to head back to the front to see what kinds of tricks the pups did when I spotted something that I didn't notice before; a cellar door that had a huge lock on it. I started walking closer to it, but jumped when I heard the dogs growling. I looked at them and then headed closer to the door. Their growling grew louder, "Shhh. Hush."I commanded and sure enough they shut up. It was silent and I swear I could hear something coming from behind it. It was faint but I could hear what sounded like screaming. I laid my head against the door, hopping it was just my stress playing tricks on my mind.

It wasn't. Someone was down there screaming.

uh oh, Alex better get out of there before she gets caught.
Do any of you like Creepypasta?, I love Creepypasta. My favorite has to be Eyeless Jack or Laughing Jack.

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