Chapter 9

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May 26
7:00 pm
Ashley Pov
"I don't know, I really liked the silver dress more. The gold is ok but it seems too flashy for my taste." Shelby told Sara as they looked through one of my magazines I brought. I was busy painting my finger and toenails. "What do you think Ash?" Sara asked me. "I think I like the green one with the hint of blue on it." I told the girls. "Yea it is pretty." They both agreed. 'ugh why can't they ever disagree for once! Everyone always agrees! That dress is hideous and they agreed it was pretty.' I thought. *sigh* I'm not always mean to people but it's usually to see if people really can tell it to me straight and not put up with my crap. I have a lot of money and most people want to be my 'friend' so they can get something out of it.

~Time Skip~
7:45 pm
Alex Pov
"Guys we got the food!" I heard Justin say outside our door. "Finally! What took you guys?" Gage asked. "Well...We ran into a little trouble." Hunter said. "What kind of trouble?" I asked him. "We almost ran over some guy's dog, but it was his fault! He should have kept a hold of the leash." Justin said. "What? We're not even here for one day and your already going to get us in trouble?!" Sara scolded Justin. "It was an accident. The guy even checked on us and made sure we were ok. He even offered to take us to the place where the people go missing in the woods!" Justin defended himself. "Hold on, people are going missing from the town. Like the last place they were seen was at a bar or something. They were never found so how can he show us where they disappeared at? They didn't all go missing in the woods." I said. "You didn't accept his offer did you?" Ashley asked. "No but he gave me his number to call him and give the ok." Justin said. "We need to stick to the original plan for now. After a good night's sleep we will be better at going about this." Gage said. "Yea your right, well anyway here's everyone's food." Justin said handing everyone a McDonalds bag. "sorry girls, except Alex, after running into that guy we really didn't want to stay out longer than needed." Justin apologized. "It's fine, thanks." Ashley said. "Thanks guys. Let's retire to our rooms shall we?" Gage said and we all did just that. Gage and I hurried and ate then went to bed.

10:00 pm
Josh Pov
I finally made it back home, I opened the door and let the dogs in then I made my way inside. "Josh? Is that you sweetie?" I heard my mom's voice ring out. "Yes ma'am!" I called back to her. "How was your walk? Did the boys behave?" she asked. "Milo did but Kuma almost got hit by a car." "Oh my, did he get hurt?" "No but I think we have a few more contestants. The people that almost him are from out of town and here to investigate the missing people." "is that so?" "Yes ma'am but I told them I could take them where most of the disappearances happen so we should have company tomorrow." "In that case I'll get the boys up early to clean the house. I think you should shower and get ready for tomorrow." She said as she headed to her and fathers room. "Good night mom." "Goodnight sweetheart." She said closing the door. I walked into my room and heard my brothers talking. "Do you think we will finally get a sister?" Seth said. He's wanted a sister all his life, the same as the rest of us. No one has yet to meet our standards. "I hope so." Sean said. I decided to stop listening and went to bed. "Soon guys, soon we will have a sister." I whispered to myself.

(Hello and welcome back to the story! Now the group need to decide whether to trust this guy or forget about him. Here's where my wonderful readers come in! Should they trust Josh and make it easier for him to bring his prey home? Or make it harder for him? Comment down below or message me for your answer!

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