Chapter 4

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~Time Skip two days~

Alex's house (

8:00 am

Alex Pov

I told my parents that I was going to Canada for a week to interview the people there like Gage had said, and they believed me. I had gotten completely packed with my clothes and was currently waiting for Gage to come pick me up. I was wearing a black short sleeved shirt with a little cute green sleeveless jacket and blue jeans with tennis shoes. "Are you sure you have everything?" my mother's voice rang out. "Yes mom" I answered. She opened her mouth to say something else when I heard a car horn honk. "That's Gage. I have to go. Bye mom, bye dad." I said hugging them and gave them a kiss on the cheek. "Bye baby girl, see you next week. Stay Safe and make sure you call when you land and every day after, ok?" "I will, love you guys." I said and gave them another hug. I ran out the door towards Gage's old Chevrolet pickup truck. "Hey Alex, ready to go?" he asked. "as ready as I'll ever be" I said. I won't lie, I'm pretty nervous about this trip but I know Gage will be there with me every step of the way. "There's nothing to be scared about, I won't let anything happen to you." Gage said with a smile.

We got my things loaded up and made way to the airport to meet up with everyone. "Finally decided to show up? We all thought you two chickened out." Hunter joked. "Of course not, why would we do that?" I said. "Because, you're scared about going through with this." Ashley hissed. I don't know why she hates my guts except the fact I'm easily to get along with. I'm not only fluffy, I do have muscle and am somewhat pretty strong, so maybe that's why she doesn't like me? I wasn't bullied about my weight growing, in fact, I was pretty invisible, and a wall flower you could say. I don't make A's and B's, heck I usually make C's. "Flight 12 now loading!" we heard the lady announce. "Well...let's get going! Next stop, Norbury, Canada!" Justin said running to go and bored the plane.

We made a big mistake getting on that plane.

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