Chapter 13 part 1

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From this point on there is going to be blood and gore is pretty much every chapter

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Mansion in the woods
May 27
4:07 pm
Alex Pov
'Really Hunter?' I thought. "Forgive my friend, I know there is no excuse for his language but he was excited." I explained. "I'll let it slide for now." The woman said as she sat down on a red recliner. "Guys, this is my mom, Nora." Josh told us. "My dad and two siblings uh went out for a bit but they should be home for dinner. Speaking of which, are any of you hungry?" Josh asked as he looked at everyone. "I think we are good, can we please go look for that tire now?" Justin asked in an aggravated tone. "Your father has a few in the shed Josh, I'm sure he wouldn't mind your friends borrowing a tire until they get to town for a new one." The woman, Nora, said. "Thank you mama. The guys and I will take care of the vehicle; do you girls want to wait in here?" Josh asked us. "If it's alright, I'd like to stay here." I said, hoping it would be ok. "Of course dear! Oh you could help me make supper for tonight!" Nora said with excitement. I guess living with a bunch of males means you get no help in the kitchen. "Sure, I'd love to help!" I told her. I'm use to cooking all the time since both of my parents work a nine to five shift and I would help them out by already having dinner ready for them when they came home. "Well, I'm going with the boys. Something could happen while we are all out. Maybe we'll run into the killer." Sara said. "Killer? Oh no dear, I don't think you'll run into a killer out there." Nora said. "But the disappearances-""Doesn't mean they were killed, the police never recovered a body. They were probably just kidnapped and sold to some perverted individual" Nora commented cutting Hunter off. "They did recover something though, A head. The head of Garen Barsamian. He was here a few months ago on vacation from Ohio. He booked a hotel for a few nights in this town. When he didn't come back home, his family called and questioned the police to check in on him. When they got to the hotel they asked the lady at the desk if she knew where he was. The hotel lady said that he went out one night and didn't come back. The police searched for him for days and then called it off when finding his head. The coroner said that his head was severed by something sharp, like a knife." Justin explained. He really did study this case. "And then just yesterday a girl was taken from her home." Justin finished. I looked towards the woman and caught a glimpse of something in her eyes. There was a tense silence but thankfully Gage broke it, "Uh, Josh, care to show us to the shed?" ( 

 There was a tense silence but thankfully Gage broke it, "Uh, Josh, care to show us to the shed?" ( 

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) "Alright let's go." Josh told them as he stood and headed for the door. Everyone followed but me. "Alex we'll be right back ok?" Gage said. "Ok, I'm just going to party with my new friend." I said, referring to Nora with a smile. "Don't worry dear, she's in good hands." Nora told him, and, as if emphasizing what she meant, She grabbed my hand and patted the top if it. We waved and then closed the door. "Now just follow me into the kitchen and we'll go ahead and get started." "Ok" I told her.
Their Kitchen was awesome! They had nice marbled floors and the Island counter was marble. It was a very spacious kitchen, like those really nice ones you see on TV. ()

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