chapter 3

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The Traveling Capers
9:15 AM

Alex POV
We waited for almost thirty minutes waiting to see if we get to go to Canada. Gage and I were talking about what I
could tell my parents. I couldn't tell them that we planned on camping where my possible death will happen. "Just tell them that we are only interviewing the people of the town since it's a closed off community." Gage said. "I guess that could work." I sad kind of gloomy like. I'm not stupid, I know if I go there I could die. On the other hand I do not plan on going into the woods, I am determined to stay in the town inside a motel or something.

Fifteen minutes later, Justin came out with a big grin and I knew we had the ok to go. "So what did the old man say?" Hunter asked. "Pack your bags we leave in two days!" he exclaimed. "It took some convincing since he thinks it could be dangerous. But am smart and told him that it's probably a hoax to lure in tourist. Also, Alex! He said you are going to go as well! We just have to assign you a chaperone." Justin told finished. 'Oh yay, I have to be babysat.' I thought. I was secretly hoping Mr. Johnson wouldn't let us go but oh well, looks like luck was not on my side. "I'll stay with her throughout the whole trip" Gage said with determination. "Great we have to babysit on the trip." Shelby whined. "Chill Shell, Gage gets to babysit not us." Ashley told Shelby. "Anywhale! Haha, the old man is letting us take the rest of today and tomorrow off so we can get ready for the big trip. I'll take care of the transportation so all of you go and get ready." Justin announced.

(Already working on chapter 4 and will have that out later! Sorry this one is short as well! In the next chapter or two things will start getting interesting. Between tomorrow and Saturday I will have the next chapter up, so grab a bite to eat, sit back, relax, and stay tuned!!

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