Chapter 11

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May 27
12:00 noon

Alex Pov
After asking around we found out there have been a great number of females missing in the past year than the males. There still wasn't a clear pattern though. Sure females was a main target but there are still male disappearances. Their all from different steps in society. Courtney was rich and from what we were told she was bossy and spoiled. But then there was Austin, he wasn't rich but he was middle class I guess you could say. Amber wasn't rude and she was middle class, however, she was anorexic. "I think that's why Josh asked if there were any girls in our group. He wanted to keep them safe if there were." Justin said. "What?" I asked him. "Josh, you know?  Hunter and I almost hit his dog? Ring any bells?" he asked while pretending to ring a bell. "Yes I remember but you said something about him asking if there were girls traveling with you?" I asked with concern. "I didn't tell you that?" "No all you said was you almost hit his dog and that he would show you where people went missing in the woods." Gage cut in. "Well he asked if we had any girls in the group, and don't worry I didn't say for sure if there was, but he said if there was that they could stay at his place while the guys go hunting!" Justin beamed like he was proud of himself. "What?! No way! We're all going not just you guys!" Ashley spat out. "I'm ok with sitting this one out. I don't like the idea of going with some stranger in the woods." I told them with my hands up."Right because you're a chicken, a big fat chicken!" Sara sneered. "Come on Sara, don't be like that. It is kinda dumb to trust some stranger." Gage said seriously.
"But it'll be seven of us against one of him. What if we carry a gun or something?" Justin questioned. "Where are we going to get a gun around here? I haven't seen one shop that sells them in this town." Hunter asked him. That's when Justin lifts his shirt up to his hip to show a small pistol. My eyes went wide. "How did you slip that on the plane? We could have gotten in trouble if you got caught!" I nearly shouted. "Oh shut up! He has a weapon of defense so this should be easy!" Ashley yelled at me. I hung my head knowing I wouldn't win this one. So there's only one question left. Do we call the guy and say we'll meet him?

                                                                Warning! Gore ahead.
Norbury Woods
May 27
1:53 pm
Unknown Pov
"F***" I muttered trying to find a place to rest. I had stepped in one of their damn animal traps. I'm basically a sitting duck. "Come out come out!" I head his taunting voice call out. "Like hell I will." I whispered. Especially after what you did to me.

~Mini flashback~
May 26
4:45 pm
I had finally set my camp up and had a fire going; now I could relax. Just as I was about to close my eyes I heard screaming. It sounded like a girl in distress but I knew panthers made a similar noise so I ignored it for a bit. Not two minutes later I heard it again but closer. I decided to check it out. I grabbed my gun and started walking towards the noise. The sound of growling filled my ears and I was pretty sure that it was a panther. I decided to just go back to my camp and leave the beast alone. I was almost back when suddenly- SNAP- "AGGGHHH" I screamed and fell when I felt this unbearable pain in my leg. I looked at my foot to see that I had stepped in an animal trap.  I didn't see any release lever so I tried to pry it open but I wasn't having any luck. To make matters worse I had forgotten my cell phone in my bag back at the tent. I was laying there for probably when I heard a twig snap. "That doesn't look good." A voice said. "It don't feel to good either." I replied looking for the owner of the voice. "I can get you out if you want me too." The voice spoke again. "I would really appreciate it. The problem is that I don't see a release switch." "You're not supposed to." It said. I caught movement out of the corner of my left eye. I turned and saw a man welding My stomach dropped and I broke out in a cold sweat. "You uh...Are you a lumberjack or something?" I asked jokingly. "Yea heh something like that." He said as he walked closer. "Uh, my names Matthew, what's yours?" "Josh." He said and then he swung at my leg. I moved it as far as the chain would let me. "Dude what the hell?!" I yelled. "I'm just trying to help you get out of the trap." Josh said, trying to sound innocent. He raised the axe again but this time he was closer. I swung my good leg him and hit him in the crotch. He dropped the axe and it landed right by my leg. I made quick work and used it to pry the jaws of the trap off my leg. The weapon, being too heavy for me to cart around, lay on the ground forgotten. I limped off to find help, leaving the guy on the ground.

~end flashback~
"If you come out now, I'll be gentle and will even wrap your wounds!" he, Josh, called out again. 'Never F***er' I thought as I found a tree I could climb. It was difficult but I was able to climb and hide. Luckily I was wearing a green shirt and some brown pants; I would blend right on in. I had hid just in time. Josh walked under the tree that I just hid in. I steadied my breath and waited for him to leave. "You can't hide forever!" he yelled. Then a miracle happened. His phone rang.

Josh Pov
I'll find that slippery little bastard. No way is he leaving my woods. I think I'll return the crotch kicking favor when I get my hands on him. The thought makes me smile. Yesterday I had to leave since mother wanted me to run by the store to pick up some bread for the finger sandwiches we had earlier today. Seth and Sean had taken over the hunt for a bit, but they had no luck. They weren't born with the senses that I had inherited from mother. She's a full blooded Wendigo. She can imitate other creatures and humans, she's superfast and her five senses are better than any human. No, the twins didn't inherit the senses but they got the ability to imitate other people and such. I'm getting off track, I need to stay focused and find my prey. I knew I was getting close. Then the unthinkable happens. Note my sarcasm. My phone rings. Growling I reached into my pocket and pulled it out to answer it. "Hello." I said grumpy like. "Sorry man, didn't mean to call when you're mad." The voice tells me. "Who is this?" "Oh, it's me Justin. Remember? I almost accidentally hit your dog." My eyes widened in realization. "Oh yea! Sorry I didn't recognize your voice. What's up?" I asked leaning on a tree. "Um, my friends and I decided that we would like to be taken where the disappearances happened. If you're still free of course." Justin rushed out. "Of course I'm still free. Do you still want to meet up at three?" "How about four? We need to get some things together in order to set up a camp." You're more than welcomed to stay at my house. There's no need to get camping supplies. Besides I already have some here." I told them. I didn't like the idea of them camping in the woods if this little trickster was still out and about. However, I don't want to sound too suspicious. "Don't waste your money when I already have things here." I continued. "Alright then I guess we could meet you where we met last night, say three thirty?" "Yea sounds good to me." I said with a smile. "Well, see you soon." "Goodbye." I hung up. That's when I called the twins. "Hey, might want to let mom and dad know we are having company." I told them as I started to walk towards town. "Guests? Who are they? How much time do we have to get ready?" they started to bombard me with questions. "Shut up! Now we must be ready by about four thirty give or take and I'm heading to go get them now. However we still have a small problem. The guy Matthew is still out and I don't like the idea of him finding his way to any police or warning our company away. Do you think you two can come back out here and look? Try to lure him out or something." I said. "Sure we can!" they said and hung up. Man, American food tastes great. 

(I know last chapter I said the crew would run into trouble in this chapter but I was wrong, However since I somewhat lied I decided to add a little gore in this chapter as a way for asking forgiveness! Next chapter is when Things should really start happening to our friends.

Will they end up betraying each other? Will they throw each other to the wolves? Will they survive?! Who knows? (me) Find out Next week (or later this week) What will Happen!

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