Final Chapter

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Justin pov

"Get up boy." Garret ordered me as grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me off the ground. I didn't want to do a damn thing he said but I didn't want another part of my body broken. I could no longer feel my left hand that Josh had crushed, if I don't get help then I might not ever be able to use it again.

After getting up, Garret leads me to the dining room and made me sit down at the table. Nora followed behind and made Ashley sit next to me. Nora then left for a minute or two and then returned to the table carrying rope. She handed some of the rope to Garret and they proceeded to tie us up.

"There, nice and cozy. Now, would you like something to eat? Sean didn't get to eat earlier so I could prepare something for you as well." Nora spoke.
"You would probably poison ours!" Ashley yelled furiously, but Nora only smiled. "Oh dear, we never poison our guests...we prefer killing them nice and slowly ourselves."
Then, from the living room area, I could hear a voice call out, "Mom, could you heat up my dinner so I can eat?!" Must have been Sean.
"Of course darling!" Nora answered and headed for the kitchen, and Garret followed right behind her.

"Justin, I'm scared." I heard Ashley whimpered. So am I, is what I wanted to tell her. These people came straight out of a horror movie and we are the dumb kids that run around and slowly get killed off.

"I know Ashley, but Hunter is out there. Hell, he probably has already made it to town and is fixing to head back with the police!" I said with confidence.

"What if they are too late? I don't want to die!" Annnd the water works have started.
"We have to stay positive; we will all get out of here. I promise." Though I wish I could take that promise back.

Alex pov

I will never be able to watch Loony Toons again after all that has happened. I never wanted to be here in the first place anyways. Tears filled my eyes as I could only imagine all of our fates. Killing my friends and 'adopting' me. Now most people might see my fate as an act of kindness, but I would rather be dead than stay with these people.

Suddenly, I felt a thumb run across my cheek, collecting the tears that spilled from my eyes. I turned to see Seth being the one to touch me and I cowered away.
He grinned and leaned in close and whispered, "Don't be scared, we won't hurt you."

He was quickly pushed away by Gage, "Leave her alone you bastard!" Gage snarled.
Sean held Gage down to make sure he didn't pull another stunt like that again.
"I can't wait to end you. You have done nothing but got on my nerves." Seth snapped.
Before Gage could retort, we were called to the dining room for dinner.

Wait, it's ten fifteen, shouldn't they be going to sleep? I mean, I would understand Sean eating, but everyone else?

The twins stood up and brought Gage and I into the dining area. The same meal as earlier was laid out for everyone, including me. The only difference is that there are two vector trays (1) at the end of the table. I wonder what's under the lid. I also took notice that Hunter and Ashley were tied down at their chairs with Nora trying to feed them.

"Well, go on and sit down." Garret ordered as he started to eat.

We sat down but I didn't dare touch my food, I am sick to my stomach and I'm already fighting to keep my earlier meal down.

Suddenly, the two dogs outside started barking their head off.

"What do you think is their problem?"Nora asked

"Probably another deer. Don't worry about it." Garret reassured

"When do you think Josh will be back? I really want to know who and what the hell you are! " Justin exclaimed and moved his head from Nora.

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