Chapter 7

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Norbury Canada—

May 26
6:23 P.M
Gage POV
"Justin, are you sure we are going in the right direction?" I asked, looking out the window at all the dead trees ( ). "What makes you ask?" he questioned looking in the mirror to see me. "Well for one we haven't seen a single car since we turned on this road, which was an hour ago. Second, we haven't seen any kind of sign for this town. And third we-" "Look! There it is!" Ashley yelled, cutting me off. At the end of the road we could all see a little town. ( ) "Looks a little run down doesn't it?" Sara said, scrunching up her nose.  "Looks don't matter. Let's just find a place to sleep for the night" Alex commented. "Good idea" I told her.

6:36 pm
We finally found a small little motel. Hunter and Justin are sharing a room. Ashley, Sara, and Shelby are sharing a room. And Alex and I will share a room. At first the desk woman didn't want to give us keys since we are tourist and told us to leave. Not very hospitable if you ask me. But when Hunter produced quite a sum of money she handed him the keys. Before we dispersed we had a small meeting. "Alright, tomorrow we will start questioning some of the people who have missing people in their family." Hunter said.  "Sounds good to me." I said. "NOW! Who's hungry? Hunter and I will go pick up something to eat just let us know what you want." Justin said.  "Anything is good with me."  I said. "same here." Alex agreed.  "Nothing greasy for us please." Ashley and her posse said. "Alright, we shall be back with a meal momentarily." "Be careful guys, we don't know what's waiting in this town for us." Alex told them. "Don't worry we will." They said and left. "Ok let's get in our rooms and just relax. We've had a busy day." I told everyone and we went to our rooms.

Alex POV
Our room wasn't so bad. Two beds, a tv, bathroom and shower. Just like a regular room. ()  "I'm going to take a shower." I told Gage. "don't take forever please." He said jokingly. "I won't." I laughed and went to take my shower.
                                                                ~Short timeskip~
After my shower I changed in to my knee length Batman night shirt. () "I love taking showers, I always feel so much better after them." I said to myself aloud. "Same here now hurry up so I can take one!" Gage said playfully. I ran out of the bathroom and jumped in the bed. I grabbed the TV remote and started switching through the channels.  I finally came across the old Looney Tunes cartoon and decided to watch that.
About fifteen minutes later Gage came out in a tight grey t-shirt that hugged his muscles and loose black shorts. "If you're trying to seduce me you might want to stop while you're ahead." Gage looked at me funny, "this isn't good enough for you?" he asked with mock hurt. "unless you look like Adam Levine...before he dyed his hair, nothing is good enough." I said in a fit of giggles. He just rolled his eyes and looked at the TV. "Cartoons?" he asked. "Cartoons." I told him. "Wanna join me while we wait for Hunter and Justin to get back?" I asked him. "Why not?! Scoot over!" he said before climbing into the bed with me. "hey! Why don't you get in your bed?." I asked him. "because you're not in it." He responded looking me in the eyes. "I hate you sometimes." "No you don't" he said before pulling me into his embrace and turning his attention back to the show.

Things have started to heat up! I'm already almost finished with the next chapter so don't worry!

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