Chapter 18 part 1

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7:30 pm
Alex Pov
Gage grabbed me and pulled me behind him, "Back off! I'm not going to let you hurt Alex." He growled. Josh gave a look of mock hurt as he put his right hand over his heart, "Oh how you wound me! I would never hurt her!"
I gulped as I watched his movements as he started to descend the stairs. "Don't come any closer." Gage gritted out, causing Josh to stop and just smile. "Look, there's not much you can do kid, I'm not the only one you have to worry about in this house you know. Go ahead and give up." Josh purred.
"I don't f***ing think so." Gage said. Josh's face contorted into a scowl as he tsked "We do not like foul language in this house."
"Alex, open the door and run." Gage whispered to me.
"I won't leave you!"
"You won't, I'll be right behind you."
Josh started to move again and I put my hand on the knob, turned and yanked it open. I didn't stick around to see his face as we both took off out the door. Then I heard a spine chilling noise that caused goose bumps on my skin. It was crossed between a scream and a hiss.

Upon reaching the shed, we found it empty. Well aside from truck parts and the usual tools to work "outside" with. There was, what looked like, blood stains that coated most of said tools. I looked towards Gage for an explanation but his face read terror. "They were suppose to wait for us...They left us!" He yelled. I tried to keep him quiet but he was so furious. Then another unsettling noise caught both of our attention. One we did recognize. Dogs.
"Gage, we have to hide." I said as I looked around.
"What's the point of hiding if they have their damn dogs to sniff us out!" he hissed. He was right; all we would do is delay them finding us. Then I had an idea!
"Gage, give me your hoodie!" I said and tried to get it off him. "I think now is a bad time to undress me."
"Shut up!" said with a blush. After getting it off him I ran to the other side of the shed where another opening is. I tore a hole in the back of his jacket and hung it on a hook by the back door so it looked like he got stuck and had to take it off to continue running.

Running back to him I told him we needed to hide. Since the shed had a second story that held hay, we climbed up and hid behind it. Looking back, I wish I would have changed into better running clothes instead of staying in my night shirt, but I wanted to get out of there after what Gage told me. Everything was going so good when we got here and then this had to happen; a shiver of fear rolled down my back. I wanted to cry; I just hoped the plan works.
"Hey, it's going to be ok. When they leave the house, we can get a head start in the other direction." Gage threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close. I snuggled closer to him and buried my face in his chest.
"What of the others?" I mumbled.
"They were supposed to get the truck running and ready for us to leave, but I guess they decided to leave us."
"How were they going to get it running when Garret has the keys?"
"Hunter knows how to hot wire vehicles."
That was a shocker; I didn't think Hunter knew a thing about vehicles.

Our chat was cut short when we heard voices at the shed door.
"Once I get my hands on the bastard that locked me up, I'll kill him." That must have been Sean, it would explain why he wasn't at dinner. I almost laughed at the irony.
"Calm down, they couldn't have gone too far and Milo and Kuma will sniff them out." And that was Seth. Gage and I huddled as close as we could together and stayed as quiet as possible.
"What the hell? Where did dad's truck go?"
"The kiddies took it when we went to get you but don't worry, that truck has barely any gas left so they won't get far"
"Hey, what's that?" one of them said. Could they have-?
"It's the bastard's jacket, I recognize it. They must have went that way, let's go." Gage and I let out a breath of relief. Now we just need to figure out where everyone else is at.

Hunter pov
"Why did the truck stop?!" screamed Sara.
I rolled my eyes, "Isn't it obvious? We ran out of fuel." Now that I think about it, something told me to check the gas gage before leaving. Damn It!
"Nothing to do now but walk to town." Justin stated and jumped out of the back of the truck. We all got out of the truck and started for civilization.


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