Chapter 18 part 2

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  Norbury woods
8:15 pm
Hunter pov

We had been walking a good thirty minutes but I feel like we are getting nowhere. Everyone is paranoid at every little that occurs, including me. I think my guilt is making it worse though. I feel disgusted with myself for leaving Gage and Alex; I mean, Gage got us out and we repay him by leaving him to die.

I feel sick.

"Hunter, keep up or we'll leave you behind." Sara said with a short laugh
"Like how we left Gage and Alex?" I spat out bitterly.
"Come on Hunter, survival of the fittest and all that right?" Shelby commented.
I looked at her in disbelief. "What the hell? Gage was the one to free all of us and we just leave him? If it was survival of the fittest, then when he got out he shouldn't have rescued us! And to top it off, he went to get Alex!"
That shut everyone up and slight guilt flashed in their eyes. By now we had stopped walking and were standing in a circle. They had their heads bowed in disappointment. Good, they should feel bad.

"Well, the least we can do is get back to town, get the police and get these bastards the death penalty." Justin said and patted my back. I moved away and stared at the ground.

"Look, let's not dwell on what happened and get out of there hmm?" Shelby stated and started walking away when suddenly she screamed. My head jerked up in time to see her collapse to the ground. We all ran over to her and saw that she had stepped on a bear trap that had been hidden under the grass, leaves, and dirt.

"G-g-get it o-off!" Shelby wailed.

Justin bent down and started to look for a release on the trap. Shelby had tears running down her face, her cries filled the night. Ashley and Sara sat beside her trying to comfort her.
"S-Shelby, there isn't a release lever!" Justin panicked. Shelby's eyes widened with even more fear, "Then pry it off or something!" She yelled.

The sight itself was grotesque with the blood flowing from her leg caused by the metal teeth of the trap. It kind of makes me wonder if she had been wearing her short shorts instead of her pants if this would be hurting even more. Like did the pants cushion it?

I was really surprised to find myself not caring.
"Hunter, go find a branch or a rock and let's see if we can get this off her leg!" Justin yelled.
"Why? It's like she said, survival of the fittest. Guess she's not cut to survive."
"This is not a Joke Hunter!" Ashley yelled at me from the ground.
"I'm not laughing." I replied with a stoic face. "Besides, even if we do get the trap off, she will just slow us down. Now I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to go back to that hell hole. If you want to stay and get caught, you can, but I'm going on ahead." With that, I started walking, ignoring their screams at me to stop. I don't care anymore. As soon as I get a signal to my phone, I'm calling for help.

Ashley Pov

'Damn him! He can't just leave us! Sure we left Gage and Alex but we couldn't be sure that she was still alive and that he wouldn't get caught!' My angry thoughts were interrupted by Shelby's cries. She may only be my friend because of my money but that doesn't mean I don't actually care for her.

"Please don't leave me, I don't want to die!" she wailed. I grabbed her hand and gave it a firm squeeze, "We won't. We will all get out of here alive. I promise." Sara wasn't helping at all since she was in hysterics herself. Justin had been trying to pry the stupid jaws of the trap off Shelby but he couldn't.

"Why can't you get it off her? I thought you worked out! Shouldn't you be strong enough to get it open?!" I'm so frustrated. We can't leave her.

"The springs are wound really tight!" In the midst of our yelling, we heard a gun go off. Blood went flying and covered us. Wiping it from my eyes I looked around and spotted a figure holding a gun. It was the man; Garret I believe is his name. The blood covering us was belonged to no other than Shelby. Her head had been blown off from the gun shot.

Karma really is a bitch, huh?

Well, looks like our group is having some fits. Hunter has flown the coup as some would say. He is now traveling alone and the other 4, now 3, have come face to face (almost) with daddy cannibal!
Next chapter we will get back to our duo Alex and Gage. Will they escape, or will they get caught and be brought back to the house? Tune in next time!  

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