Chapter 16

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WARNING! GRAPHIC TORTURE MATERIAL AHEAD! I will put an end marker when the gore ends.

Chapter 16

May 27

5:50 pm

Matthew Pov

'Ugh my head hurts' I thought. I went to reach for my head but I found myself immobile. I couldn't move my arms, legs, or head. I could feel something on the temples of my head, like someone was holding it with their hands. Something, like a belt, was wrapped around my upper stomach. I was then blinded by a bright light. After getting my bearings I was able to look around. The sight made my heart drop to my feet. I was strapped to a chair that resembled that of a doctors or dentist patient's chair. I was barley clothed, only having my boxers on . Hanging along the wall in front of me were long blades and saws and other weapons, along with a long empty desk like table. () I couldn't see what or who was behind me but I could hear someone walking around. I went to scream for help but I came to find out my mouth was taped shut. "I'm so glad you're awake." A woman's voice chimed. Sweat formed along my brow as my eyes looked everywhere they could, looking for any form of escape.

After a few more minutes of scuttling around behind me, she finally came into view. She stared at me with her brown doe like eyes, but I knew she was anything but a doe. Her face contorted into a scowl and she raised her hand and backhanded me. Pain filled the side of my face. "Oh, I'm sorry. My temper is already getting ahead of me. Then again, you did injure my child. I'd say that was a nice starter for our fun."She told me with a menacing tone.

She walked behind me again and started messing with something that sounded like metal clanking against each other. She came back around with some kind of rolled up cloth and laid it on the table. "I rarely use this room you know." She started as she unrolled the cloth revealing shiny objects. Knives, scissors, pins, and wire. "I only use it for those I truly despise, and guess what? I truly despise you." She said with a sickening grin. I then noticed her teeth. They were normal before but now they seemed sharper.

Looking back at the table she picked up something that resembled scissors. She walked back and kneeled before me, running her free hand down my leg until it reached the wound from the bear trap. "Let's see, there are so many ways to teach you a lesson I just can't decide where to start." She sighed before plunging the scissors in my leg. "MMMPPHHHFF" I tried screaming, but the duct tape kept me quiet.

"Oh dear, I can't enjoy my time with you if I can't hear you scream!" she yelled as she ripped the tape off my mouth. "You sick b****! You're crazy!" I yelled at her, which earned me a slap to the face. She then got eye level with my feet and brought the scissors to my toes and I feared the worst. "Leave me alone! Release me now!" she grabbed my foot and said, "This little piggy went to market." She started as she brought the scissors around my big to and added pressure. "AAAGGGHHHH! STOP!! IT HURTS! D***IT IT HURTS! F***ING STOP!" I screamed in utter pain, tears flowing down my face.

"Snip~" she practically sang when she finally cut my toe off. I couldn't think straight, I wanted to vomit at this point. "Don't worry, we are far from done here." She said as she moved to my fingers.

~20 minutes later~

Blood and vomit had covered my body by the time she had told me she must go and fix dinner. But she didn't leave without hosing me down and applying another piece of tape on my mouth first. Dripping wet and cold I hardly had the strength to struggle. She cut every other finger on both my hands, cut the lobs off both of my ears, pulled out some of my teeth and gave me acupuncture in the wrong places since it didn't feel good at all. I was so glad when one of her kids came and got her.

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