Chapter 13 part 2

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Ok, quick question! I have another monster story idea. Like a Yandere Dridder X Reader. Would anyone like me to write that while I write this or wait until I have finished this story?

Norbury Woods

May 27

4:15 pm

Gage Pov

Thankfully Josh's dad did have a spare tire and the tools to fix it in the shed. The trek back to the van was miserable though since Mr. Williams is out. They only have one vehicle and he is currently using it. "Are we almost back to the hunk of junk yet?" Sara complained...for the millionth time. I wish she would have stayed with Alex. I know, I promised to stay with her but she's perfectly safe with Mrs. Williams. "Ok guys; let's get this bad boy fixed!" I said. "Sh*t, I forgot the lug wrench back at the shed."Josh almost yelled."That's fine, I have some tools in the back of the van. I'm sure one of them is-" Justin didn't even finish his sentence when the back doors of the van busted open and someone jumped out, pointing a gun at us. "Nobody move! Nobody F***ing move!" the man said, but he was mainly focusing on Josh. I then noticed the blood all over his leg. "What the hell happened to you?!" Gage screamed. His attention turned to me. "That f***er there set out near inescapable bear traps and I stepped in it! He was going to get me out of it by hacking off my foot with a damn ax!" he shouts, cocking his gun which was still aimed at Josh. I saw Justin move out of the corner of my eye. That's right he has a gun! That thought soon turned sour when his face winced, he must not have it on him. Maybe it's in the van? "Let's just calm down, we can get our van fixed and then take you to a hospital." I said trying to keep him calm. "Yea you're right, but first this." The man said and then –BANG- "AAAGGGHHH" Josh screamed and fell to the ground. The guy had just shot Josh in the leg. We started screaming and yelling at the guy telling him to not shoot anymore and drop the gun.  Ashley went to go help Josh but then the gun was pointed at her, "Don't help this piece of s**t, he's crazy!" "And you're not?! And who are you anyway?" Ashley yelled at him. "No, I'm not. The name is Matthew Summers. I'm a private investigator that Mrs. Wilson hired. She told me that she wanted me to find her daughter, Courtney, since she knew that the police are to incompetent to solve it. By the way, thanks for the gun. I had one earlier, but after the run in with him and his ax I lost it."  Matthew said. "But-" "You left it in the car door." Matthew had cut Justin off. "If you're really some kind of Law enforcement where's your badge?" Sara asked him. Matthew reached into his back pocket, causing us to flinch, and pulled out a wallet type of thing and opened it revealing his inspector badge. "That man is under arrest for attempted murder and when I get a hold of your address I will get a warrant to search your house. I'm willing to bet all that I have that you kidnapped and murdered that girl." Matthew accused.

He pulled out a set of handcuffs and walked towards Josh.  Then the strangest thing happened, Josh started laughing. Why was he laughing? This was a serious matter, not some joke. "I can honestly tell you that I had nothing to do with kidnapping that girl. And as for murder? I know for a fact that she is still alive...for now at least." Josh said "No, it was all him." He finished and pointed to Matthew, wait no, not him. Behind him. A figure stood behind the detective and wacked him upside the head with a baseball bat, knocking him unconscious. We screamed and then Shelby fainted. "Shut up!" two voices said in unison. "It's so annoying." They finished and two more figures came around the van along with two huge dogs. "Those weren't the dogs you almost hit was it?" I asked Justin in a whisper. "One of them is." He replied back.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my dad, Garret," Josh said pointing to the older man, "And my two younger brothers Sean and Seth." He finished. "Well it was nice meeting you but we have to fix the van and get back to town." Justin said, fear lacing his voice."What about your friend back at the house? Would you really leave her?" Sean asked. Alex. I promised I would protect you and keep you safe. "What did you do to her?! If you hurt her I swear I'll-" before I could finish my threat, Seth had gotten behind me and immobilized me faster than the blink of an eye. "What are you going to do?" he hissed in my ear. "But just to settle your nerves we haven't done anything to the girl. She is perfectly safe and sound." Sean told us. "You know if you want we can make a trade." Sara said, grasping their attention. "You can keep Alex and do whatever you want and you let us go free. Sound like a good bargain?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "Tempting but we are in control and I say you're going to do as we say and head back to the house. Oh, you're all going to behave as well, I would really hate having to shoot any of you." Garret said as he grabbed Matthew and made us start walking. Seth and Sean helped Josh up as well as helping him walk.  Shelby was still unconscious but Hunter carried her. "Why did you make us walk all the way out here just to make us walk back to the house?" Ashley asked. "Well, we were going to have your van fixed and brought back to the house but then that little detective made us change our plans. Now it's going to look like the murderer attacked me and you six took off running and went missing." Josh explained. "What's going to happen to us?" Hunter asked. The grin that spread across all of their faces made me very worried. "You'll just have to wait and see." Josh said eerily. "What about Alex? Please if nothing else let her go!" I begged. "Like I said she is fine, for now. Now be quite we're getting closer to the house. If you behave you'll have nothing to worry about." Sean said. He was right, I could see the house. They made us walk to the back where there was a wooden cellar door that had a padlock on it. ()

 Garret set Matthew down and pulled the key out of his pocket

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Garret set Matthew down and pulled the key out of his pocket. He unlocked the door. "Boys, hand Josh to me and take the little trouble maker (Matthew) along with them. I'll lock the door behind you and go get his wound taken care of" "Yes dad." The said in unison again. Do they rehearse or something?
We were lead inside and was met with a long hallway with multiple doors, almost like a hotel

 Do they rehearse or something? We were lead inside and was met with a long hallway with multiple doors, almost like a hotel

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Sean, who was carrying Matthew opened a door and threw him in, then he closed and locked the door. From what I could see there was just a mattress on the floor and something else to the left. "Do you have to be so rough?" Sara yelled, which earned a slap to her face. "When anyone in our family gets hurt, the guilty will be punished. He shot Josh; me throwing him in there was the last easy thing I will do to him." Sean said and pushed her forward. One by one we each got our own separate room, and from the looks of it, they all looked the same. ()

I paced around the room thinking

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I paced around the room thinking. We need to get out of here. Who knows what those sick bastards will do to us. And Alex? She doesn't even know she's hanging out with killers. I have to get out and save her. I have to tell her that I love her.

'Alex just hold on, I'll get you out of here if it's the last thing that I do' I thought


Oh Gage, that really might be the last thing you do! Once you become a part of the family anyone trying to split them up is one deserving of the terrible cruelty they will bestow upon them. Here is part 2!  Now we can start eliminating people! I've tried to make some love hate relationships with all my characters so my lovely readers would get attached to them. If there is one character you hate most and want them to die for a fact comment down below and tell me who you want killed! And for a limited time, tell me HOW you want said character to die! SHOW ME HOW TWISTED YOUR MINDS REALLY ARE!

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