Chapter 17

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  The fun starts here!
May 27
6:27 pm

Gage Pov

I could hear someone screaming and something told me it was the detective. The twins said he was going to have a rough time from here on out. His screams seemed to last forever before it suddenly stopped.

'Oh god is he dead?' the thought itself made me sick. The same thing will happen to all of us unless we escape.

My thoughts were interrupted by the slot at the top of the door opening. I jumped up from the floor and watched as a pair of eyes shown from the door.

"Hello Gage. How are you doing?" a male voice asked. I gulped, in all honesty, I was scared. My heart was pounding and sweat had formulated on my forehead.

"I'm good so far." I answered.
"Wonderful, now it can stay that way if you can do me one favor."
"What kind of favor?" I asked suspiciously.
"I want you to hand over your phone. You don't need it so you can just hand it over."
"No." I don't know what came over me, but there was a reason he all of a sudden wanted my phone and I sure as hell wasn't going to give it to him
"What was that?" Anger laced his voice.
"I said no."

The male snarled and jammed the key into the hole and opened the door. I jumped on him and we landed on the floor. He hit his head hard and fell unconscious.

The man was one of those damned twins. I think his name was Sean but I don't care right now. I searched his body and found the keys along with...Alex's phone? What the hell was this f***er doing with her phone?!

Alright, now to go get the others. I walked out of the room and relocked the door, one less walking around was better than all of them, then again Josh was hurt so two less.

I walked down the creepy hallway until I reach the next door. I put the key in the lock and opened the door a little, "Guys? It's me Gage."

"Gage?" It was Hunter. "Oh my god, Gage" Hunter ran and hugged me tight. From the looks of his face, I could tell he had been crying.

"Hey it's going to be ok." I tried to reassure him and hugged back.
"I heard screaming and I didn't know who it was. I can't stop shaking." Hunter muttered.
"Don't worry; we'll get out of this. Now, we have to go get the others and then find Alex."
"Let's just get out of here. Forget them! I don't want to die!
"Come on man, how do you think they feel? I'm sure they don't want to die either." I reasoned. He stayed quiet for a minute before saying, "Fine, but we better not die."
Giving him a smile, we both walked out to get the others.

~Mini Timeskip~

After freeing everyone, well, almost everyone. I had to be sure the detective, Matthew, was still alive or not. If he was, we had to get him out of there. We searched almost every room but still no sign of Matthew.
Coming upon the last room, I put the key in the lock and turned.
"Wait, we have everyone, let's just go!"Shelby said
"What about Matthew?" I asked.
He's probably already dead!" Justin nearly yelled.
"This is the last door; let me at least check just to be sure." I argued.
Opening the door, I just about retched. There was a body of a girl lying on a metal gurney type thing. She was missing half of her left arm, her right hand was missing, and her left leg was missing. I checked her pulse, but she had none. She had also been bandaged but I guess her body couldn't handle it anymore.
Looking around, I noticed that this room is different than the others. There were curtains everywhere, some were clear kind of like an infirmary. I looked through the curtains, seeing if there was anybody behind them.
"Alright guys, let's find a way out of here." I said. I knew we couldn't go out the same way we went in so it was time to find a different way out.

Alex Pov.

7:00 pm

We had soon finished eating and, unfortunately, Sean never came back. I asked Nora if she thought he was ok but she said not to worry and that he probably got caught up with something. Everyone helped clean up the food and put it away. I made a plate for Sean anyway so he could just heat up his first meal quickly.
After about twenty minutes, we had finished cleaning up and everyone dispersed. I went back to the room I was staying in so I could change into my night clothes.
After doing so, I went to get my phone from the bed but it was gone. 'That's strange; I know I threw it on the bed when Josh came to get me.' I thought and looked all over and around the bed but couldn't find it.

As I was mulling over where it could be, I didn't hear the door open, nor the footsteps coming towards me. What I did notice was a hand being placed on my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist.

I was about to start screaming when the person whispered, "Shh, Alex it's me!" I knew that voice, it was Gage!
He released me and I turned around and hugged him. "Wow, I've been getting a lot of hugs in the past hour." He laughed.

"Gage, are you ok? What happened? Are the others safe? How did you escape the murderer?" I asked, tears filling my eyes.

"Alex. These people have lied to you."
"What do you mean?"
"The murders were committed by these people! They kidnap people and kill them. Remember that girl that went missing the night we got here? She's in the basement and she's missing body parts!" He whisper shouted. "We don't have time to talk; we need to get out of here." Gage grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the door.

"Wait, let me put on some shoes." I stopped by my bag and pulled out my black converse and put them on. I walked back to Gage but he stopped me and pulled something out of his pocket. It was my phone!

"How did you get this?" I asked him.
"One of those demented twins had it in his pocket. He had come to the basement, which was where I and everyone else were, and tried to take mine."
My eyes widened back to when I tried to call Gage. I told Josh, he told Nora, and she told Sean. I can't believe this, and they seemed so nice.
"Where is everyone else? They're not...dead, are they" I feared the worst.

"No, they are waiting outside with keys to Garret's truck. Come on, we need to leave before they realize something's up."

I followed behind Gage as we crept out of the room. When we reached the stairs we could hear the T.V. going. This was perfect! With the noise going on we could sneak out of here.
We continued to sneak down the stairs quietly until we reached the doors. Gage put his hand on the knob and then someone cleared their throat, "Now where are you going with our new baby sister?"
'Sister?' I thought as we both turned around.

It was Josh.


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