Part 1

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     Katlyns POV
   RING RING I wake up to my phone ringing, I look over and see that Becca was calling me. "What do you need" I said sounding annoyed because I was I mean it was 8 o'clock in the morning.
     "CHECK YOUR EMAIL." I wonder what could be so exciting about checking my email.
I got out my laptop and went on my email. I saw I had an email from this thing called magcon tour?
The email said:
Dear Katlyn Johnson and Becca Robeson,
My name is Bart Bordelon I am the director of Magcon Tour, a tour that goes around the US and the entire world, I would like to invite you two to be a guest at Magcon.
Magcon consist of the following people:
Cameron Dallas
Aaron Carpentor
Taylor Caniff
Hunter Rowland
Brandon Rowland
Willie Jones
Chris Miles
Blake Gray
Trey Schafer
I hope that you girls will agree to join us so you can meet all your fans.

Bart Bordelon

I called Becca after I read the whole email. "Hey Becca I read it do you wanna go?" I didn't expect her to be so excited "YES!!" she yelled through the phone. "okay I'll email them back."
I was really excited to meet all my fans I have never been able to meet my fans on a tour.
I walked downstairs to tell my mom what happened. "moooooom!" I yelled "what?" "I just got invited to go on magcon and meet all my fans!!"
"That's great who all is going?"
I ran upstairs so I could show her the list.
As soon as she started reading the list her eyes went big. "What?" I was really confused about why she look concerned. "You aren't going." she said blankly. "WHAT WHY!" I yelled at her. "Because I said." I was so confused just a second ago she was happy for me now she telling me I can't go!
"BECAUSE YOUR BROTHER IS ALSO GOING!" I was so dumbstruck, I didn't know what to say, I haven't see my brother since I was 2. I didn't want to talk to her anymore to grabbed my laptop and ran into my room and locked the door.
Before I knew it I was breaking down in tears.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed
my first chapter of this
book and if you have any suggestions don't hesitate to ask😊 and I will try to update at least once a day because in on summer break!

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