part 12

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Katlyns POV

I was in a good mood then I saw her, my mom.

"I'm not going with you." I said flatly sitting down in a chair so I could rest my leg.

"Yes you are Katlyn and that's final." she said raising her voice a bit.

"No i'm 19 so technically I am an adult." I said emphasizing adult. "So I can do what I want and YOU can't make ME do anything!"

"can I talk to her alone please." All the boys nodded and went into a the little cafe.

"Listen I am you mother and I can tell you what I want you to do so when I say to come home with me you will come home with me!"

"No i am an adult I don't have to listen to a word you say."

"YES YOU DO!" She said raising her voice a lot more to where everyone could her us.

At this point everyone was staring.


"No what?" she said

"I'm. not. going." and with that I went to the cafe.

Cameron saw me and asked what happened.

"I walked away."

About half way through the story my mom came in with a police officer. I could tell she was pointing directly at me. Soon everyone had seen the officer and he started walking over her.

"umm Katlyn I am afraid you have to go with your mom." the officer said.

"Actually I don't. I am 19 years old so technically I am an adult so I don't have to do anything she says." I said sternly standing my ground.

"Ok then." Now he was waving my mom over to the table I was at. "I am sorry but I can't tell your daughter to do anything she is and official adult so she is allowed to do what ever and does not have to go with you." he said.

"But-" I cut her off "No you heard him I don't have to do anything.

Then me and the rest of magcon left the cafe.


Once we got on the plane I was in a seat between Becca and Keira. "glad i didn't get stuck with boys." I said laughing, they started laughing and shaking there heads agreeing.

"Well I am gonna sleep, I am beyond tired." They nodded their heads, I put on my headphones and fell asleep.


I woke up to people shaking me, it was Keira and Becca " Come on were about to land."

I put all my stuff in my carry on and by that time we had landed, I grabbed my crutches and got off the plane.

When we got off we took some pictures with fans and all that fun stuff, I really do love meeting my fans.

We got into our limo that was going to take us to our hotel. Once we got there Bart announced the rooms.

I was in a room with Keira and Becca, thank god.

Once we got to our hotel rooms the boys decided to go to the pool, too bad I couldn't get in due to my cast.

I decided to watch a movie instead. I picked Finding Nemo because once again still a child at heart.

About have way through the movie there was a knock on the door, "Coming!" I opened the door half expecting Taylor but it was actually Aaron. "Hey I need advice." he said.

"Sure about what?"

"Me and Keira's 1 month anniversary is in 2 days and I have no idea what to do or get her."

"Hmmm well keira I know likes chocolate like A LOT, and she is also really old school, I would say a really romantic picnic in the park and then a really long walk." I said.

"Good idea! Thanks!!" "No prob!"

As soon as Aaron Opened the door he got smacked by shaving cream and the boys screaming SMACK CAM! Everyone including me started dying of laughter.

After that Aaron went to go get cleaned up and the boys came into me and the girls room.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked them.

They all said they don't know. Literally.

"How about a classic game of truth or dare then." I suggested

I heard a mixture of sures, Yeahs! and ugh fines.

"Umm keira you go first." I said

"ok Taylor truth or dare!" she said.

"oh we all know Taylor caniff always takes dares." he said in a very arrogant tone which made all of us laugh.

"Ok I dare you... to... kiss Becca!!!"

I mean I really didn't know what to say it's not Keira's fault none of them
knew me and Taylor were really a thing.

"Sure." he said shrugging. He leaned and so did Becca, soon their lips met and they kissed for about 30 seconds.

They pulled apart and I made eye contact with Taylor we gave each other a weak smile.

The game kinda just went on and on so soon everyone wanted to go to bed.

Becca went to go grab her stuff from Cameron's room because they all threw their stuff in there and Keira went to say good night to Aaron so Taylor stayed behind in our room.

"Listen Katl-" "Taylor it's fine I promise."

"No it's not I kissed her without hesitation and not even thinking." he said putting his head in his hands.

I limped towards him and said "Taylor the facts that I know your sorry shows me that I have nothing to worry about okay." I said kissing his forehead. "Goodnight." I said pecking his lips.

"Night" he said them left.

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