part 11

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   Katlyn's POV

       I woke up in a bright room with all the boys and the girls in it, they were all asleep.

      They were scattered around the room,
but Taylor was in the chair next to my bed holding my hand.

   I was debating whether to wake him up or not, I thought I would let him sleep but then I heard people talking outside my room.

    I wanted to go see who it was but i clearly had a broken leg so I couldn't walk.

   I heard the door open and saw my dad walk in, the person that walked in after him I was not expecting.

My Mom.

    "Your awake?!" my dad said nervously.

  "Yeah." I said not taking my eyes off my mom.

     "Katlyn me and-"she said taking a deep breath "and your father have decided that you need to come home with me."

   "WHAT NO!" I said shooting up into a sitting position instantly regretting it because of the awful pain in my head.

   I also realized that me yelling had woken everyone up.

   My eyes landed on cameron who was staring at our mom and she was staring at him.

   "You can't make me go! I'm 19! I'M AN ADULT I CAN MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS!" I said raising my voice.

    "We'll talk about this later Katlyn." said my mom, then she left.

   "I'm an adult she can't make me do anything!" I said to my dad.

   "You guys can you give us three a second" he said indicating himself, me, and cameron.

  I laid back down because my head was pounding.

    "Katlyn you should have told us you didn't have permission to come."

   "I was but I just, didn't." I said looking away.

   "Why didn't she let you come?" Cameron asked.

   I told him the whole story about how she said I could go but then saw your name and said no, and then how me and Becca snuck out here.

   "Wow she didn't want to see us?" Cameron asked.

   "I guess not."

   When we got back to the hotel the boys said they wanted to do something exciting, but since I have a broken leg I couldn't do much.

    "I'll stay here with you." Taylor offered.

  "No go hang out with them." I tried to tell him to go but i knew he would listen.

     "Nope come on pick a movie!"

"Ummm, the Lego Movie!" he gave me an "Are you serious face". "What i'm a child at heart.

    He started to laugh when I said that.

Only 5 minutes into the movie Taylor and I were already cuddled up in the bed.


        About half way through the movie I started getting sleepy.

    Right as I was about to fall asleep I heard Taylor say "Goodnight beautiful." while kissing my forehead.

    Whit that I fell asleep.

     I woke up with Taylor still asleep next to me.

    As I was struggling to get up and get my crutches Taylor woke up the ran around the bed to help me.

   "Thanks." I said blushing.

"No problem." he said winking.

  God what does this boy do to me.

         As I was struggling to get ready I finally found an out fit and finished all the stuff I had to do my ugly face.

      I picked out some nike leggings and Taylor magcon sweatshirt he left in here with my black and white roshes.

    I was just getting on a plane so i didn't need to dress up or anything.

   When I walked out of the bathroom Taylor was on my bed playing on his phone.

    He looked at me and said "nice sweatshirt." I laughed at his comment.

    "Thanks I got it from the nicest store in town." I said joking around.

   "Hey you look good in my sweatshirt." he said grabbing my waist. I looked into his eyes and saw him leaning in.

   His lips brushed mine but then he kissed me.

    He pulled back and said "Come on they're waiting for us."

   He grabbed my bags and then we headed down to the lobby.


i hope you enjoyed <33 i love you guys😘 thanks for 200 reads -ella😝

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