Part 19

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Katlyns POV

     Today we have our first show in Europe and i'm so excited!! I love it here and it's so beautiful.

   I haven't spoken to Becca or Taylor since the game of truth or dare. They're dating know and cannot be separated. It really breaks my heart to see my ex-best friends date. In the middle of my thoughts my phone started to ring.

   I look at it and it's facetime call from Brenton, I smiles when I saw his name, that's probably the first time i've smiled in a while.

    I pick up my phone and answer him.

   "Hey!" I said smiling.

   "Hey what's up?!" Brenton asked me.

  "Eh nothing much just getting ready for a show." I said finishing my mascara.

   "Ohhh and just a piece of information you don't need makeup you're already beautiful." Brenton said to me.

   I blushed at this. I was pretending to get a different mascara so he could so me blushing, " Thank you." I said smiling, "but i really do I am not all that pretty."

   "Yes you are stop putting yourself down!" he said smiling still.

   This is why me and Brenton are friends he can get me to smile even when no one else can. I used to have a major crush on him, and everyone used to say he liked me to, but then I left for magcon and I thought I liked Taylor, but clearly he didn't like me.

     "I wish you could come out here and meet everyone." I said to him.

    "Maybe I can, I have enough money saved up for a plane ticket and a hotel room, all I need to do is talk my parents into letting me."

  "YAY!" I was so excited now. "I need to finish getting ready just keep me updated!"

   "Ok, bye." he said laughing.

    I quickly picked out an outfit, I picked out a black skater skirt, a crop top with daisy's on it, my tan cardigan, with my tan lace up heels.

   I quickly curled my hair and head downstairs.

   Let's do this.


HEY GUYS sorry i haven't updated I just started school and have been focused on that but here's an update!! COMMENT AND VOTE -ella😘😘

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