part 25

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Katlyns POV

     me and my mom spent the rest of the week together, i found out that Dave and my mom were dating and he was a really nice guy towards me and my mom. Right now we were on our way to the airport so I could spend some time with Cameron.

   "Bye mom." I said hugging her.

   I let go of my mom and went over to Dave,

   "Bye treat her well" I said while laughing.

    "ok and it was awesome to meet you."

   "It was amazing to meet you too." I said while hugging him.

   I walked towards my gate so i could get on the plane. It took a lot longer than I thought to get through security  so i was almost late for my plane.

   Once I was on the plane I sat down and turned on my music.

•1 hour later

    I could sleep and the person behind me was snoring. I went on twitter to see what was going on and saw a tweet that said

   "glad he's mine😘😊"  with a picture of Becca and Taylor.

   I quickly tweet "I hate fake people"

   I sat my phone down and tried to sleep but was unsuccessful, so I had to sit through the whole flight.

   Once we landed and I got my bags I went to the doors and say Keira! I ran to her and gave her a big hug.

   "I feel like i haven't seen you in forever!" I said.

   "I know same!"

    We got in her car and headed to Cams place.
    During the car ride we caught up on a lot of things including how me and my mom made up, her and aaron were still going strong, and Becca and Taylor.

  "I know it pisses me off because right before I left he said he apologized and could never get together with her but what do we have here?!" I said talking about them.

    "I know it sucks." she said while pulling into Cams place.

   We got all my bags and walked inside.

    The first person i saw was Taylor.


hey guys sorry for the lack of posts but i've been having a really bad few days but here's a longish chapter i hope you enjoy! VOTE AND COMMENT

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