part 20

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Katlyns POV

     We're done with the show and are now heading back to the hotel when i see someone familiar walking towards me.

  "Brenton!" I ran over and hugged him. "When did you get here?!"

   "A few hours ago." he said.

   "Come one I want you to meet some people." I said to him.

     He nodded in agreement and walked over to the boys with me.

  At this point they were all confused because they had no idea who brenton was.

   "Guys this is Brenton I went to high school with him."

  "Brenton this is my brother Cameron, Aaron, Blake, Hunter, Brandon, Taylor, and you know Becca everyone else is already in the car."

   He knew something was up when I introduced him to Taylor.

    He gave me a that look that means we'll talk about it later.

    We're back at the hotel and the boys said Brenton could stay with us, well everyone except Taylor he had a jealous look on his face the whole time.

Brenton and I walked into me and Becca room, more like my room because Becca stays in Taylor's room most of the time.

"What's going on with you an Becca?" Brenton asked.

I told him the whole story from the point when me and Taylor and I started dating and when I punched Becca in the face.

He laughed at the last part.

"That's awful." He said then hugged

   Before I knew it I was crying and I wasn't crying just because of Taylor I'm crying because of the hate, loosing my best friend, my mom hates me, me hating my mom, everything.

    After I finally calmed down Brenton and I watched a movie.

  "You pick the movie." He said to me.

   "The Notebook." I said.

   "Ugh!" he said laughing.

  I laughed with him. "There's that pretty smile!" he said smiling.

    "Let's watch the movie." I said smiling.

    Half way through the movie I needed to change because I was still in my skirt and crop top.

   "Im gonna go change real quick." He nodded while still focusing on the movie.

   I grabbed my nike leggings and a crew neck. I went to the bathroom to change and take off my makeup. I looked in the mirror and all I could think is

'good think I wear water proof makeup for magcon'

   I quickly changed and took of my makeup and walked out into the room.

    When I got back Brenton was very into the movie.

   "Do you like this movie?" He jumped when I said that.

   "umm no." I laughed. "mhmm."

    I climbed back in bed and started to watch the movie.

   Before I knew it Brenton was pulling me into him "goodnight" he said kissing my forehead making my blush.

   "Night" I said falling asleep.

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

HEY here's a longer update since I haven't updated but yesterday was my birthday and I was busy so I couldn't update but i hope you all have a amazing day😘😘 -ella😊😊

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