part 10

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Katlyn POV

Me and Keira have been hanging out all night she's really nice and i can tell why her and Aaron started dating.

"Ok I'm going to bed!" i said above the screaming and yelling of the boys.

They didn't even acknowledge me so I just walked out.

"Hey!" I heard behind me I turned around and saw Taylor. "Hey!" I said to him. "I wanted to say goodnight." I was blushing probably at this point so I said thanks and was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm and kissed me.

I kissed back because I had always felt like I liked Taylor.

We both pulled away at the same time "Goodnight Taylor" I said smiling.



I woke and remembered what had happened last night, I smiled think about it.

Today was our last day here and also my date with Taylor.

I decided to go for a walk so I went and got my clothes I decided on a black t-shirt with daisy's on it, some light washed shorts and black low cute converse.

I left after that and started walking around town.

I was wondering where Taylor was bringing me today.

I went to cross the and heard honking I looked to my right and then everything went black.


sorry guys i didn't update like i said i would my aunt had a baby and i didn't get a chance to because she lives like 3 hours away

can someone please tell me what's going on with taylor i know he left because of his anxiety and stuff but some people are saying he is getting sued because of it!?!? if you know what happened private message me please

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