part 17

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Katlyns POV

    I woke up half way through the flight.

   There was no on else in my row so I had a lot of room. I got on my phone and checked all my social medias to see if they had posted anything about me not being on the flight, they hadn't.

    I think they're trying to keep it on the down low.

   I put my phone down and watched out the window. After a while the pilot announced that we were landing.

Taylor's POV

   I am so stupid. How could i do something like this to her, she is amazing and I was so lucky to have her in my life, then I screwed it up.

Katlyns POV

   After the plane landed I grabbed my stuff and left the plane.

   I got and uber and made my way to the hotel.

   When I got to the hotel I went to the front desk and told the lady my name and said I came early for magcon.

    "Can I see you you ID just to be safe?" She asked.

  "Oh yeah sure!" I quickly showed her my ID and got the room key.

   "Can you not tell them I am here I want it to be a surprise." I asked her.

   "Sure!" she said happily. "Thank you!"

    I went up to the hotel room and got settled in.

•3 hours later

Beccas POV

    We had just landed and we're on our way to the hotel.

   No one had talked to me the whole way here and I am starting to feel bad.
I mean I liked Taylor first so she had no right to take home from me.

Cameron's POV

    We walked up to the front desk and got our rooms and rooms keys.

   Once we got them all we headed up to our room. I haven't talked to Taylor or Becca the whole way here, I am still pissed at both of them.

   The worst part is they have been clinging to each other the whole way here. It makes me sick.

   I got to my room and Unlocked to the door. I walked in and saw Katlyn.

   "Katlyn how did you get here!?" I said surprised.

   "I got an earlier flight over here." I said flatly. "Oh ok." She looked so sad.

    I couldn't help it I walked over to her and engulfed her in a huge hug. She started to cry and honestly I couldn't blame her.


Katlyns POV

    After everyone said Hi to me I couldn't help but look at Taylor and Becca they never left each other's side.

   "Let's play truth or dare!" Becca yelled.

    Everyone just kinda nodded and said ok.

   "I'll do first!" She said like everything was ok.

    "Katlyn truth or dare?" she said smirking my at me.


   "What did it feel like when you saw me and taylor kissing?" she said still smirking.

   "It felt like this." I said standing up and punching her in the face.

   After that I walked out and heard a bunch of oohs. Now who's smirking.

OOH drama but here's a double update for being so inactive lately🙂😑 -ella😘😘

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