part 15

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Katlyn POV
1 month later
We've gone all over the country so far and i'm really excited to go to Europe, I've always wanted to go!

    We are leaving tomorrow and me and Becca have been so excited. Taylor and I are also dating, we just haven't told our fans.

    When Cameron found out he wasn't mad he was actually really happy for us.

    We were planning on making a youtube video telling everyone.

    "Hey Becca do you want to go shopping since we are going to Europe tomorrow?"

   "Yeah sure just let me get changed."

   "Ok!" I was wearing a light washed jumper with a lace crop top underneath. I was also wearing gray vans and a cream colored fedora type thing. (picture)

    "You ready?" she asked me about 20 minutes later. "Yep" I said popping the p.

   "Ok let's go!"

    When we got to the mall we first went to H&M. I bought a crop top and a t-shirt dress but that's all.

   "Ugh I'm starving!" I complained

"Ok then let's get some food!" she laughed.

    We decided to get panda express because we haven't had it for a while.

   When we got our food we found a table and started eating. When we were almost done a couple of guys came over to our table.

     "Hey cuties!" One said sitting next to me.

  "Umm hi" I said awkwardly. "You wanna hang out sometime?" They asked us.

   "Umm not me I don't know about her?" I said indicating Becca.

   "Why not you hottie?" The guy asked.

"1. don't call me hottie 2. i have a boyfriend." I said.

   "Oh come on it can't be that serious." He said

   "Oh it is though so back off." Taylor said coming from behind me.

   "Didn't know you were coming." I said laughing and giving him a kiss.

   Once the guy saw that he instantly backed off.

  "Who were those guys?" Taylor asked

   I looked at Becca "I don't know, they never told us their names." I said laughing.

   Once we got back from the mall I just wanted to relax so I just laid down in my bed and played on my phone.

   After a while Taylor came in and laid down next to me.

   "I'm tiiiirrreeeddd!" He said complaining.

"Then go to sleeeeep!" I said facing him.

"Ugh fine!" he said pulling me closer to him.

Soon after that we both fell asleep.


HEY sorry i haven't updated soccer has been taking over my life practically but here's an update!! COMMENT AND VOTE!!


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