part 22

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Katlyns POV
   I walked into the room and got on twitter and tweeted,

   "I hate fake people."

hoping they had seen what i had said. Every now and then I would glance up and see if they saw it.

    I was getting tried of this so I texted cameron.

"Where are you guys?!"

   "Right here" I heard Cam say behind me.

    "Sorry about that." He said in a quiet voice.

     Turn out the meeting was just about who we should bring on the tour since the rowland's left, Blake suggested someone named Tanner Braungardt and Cam said Mark Thomas who I had met a couple of times.

       -Couple weeks later-

    I didn't know what to do today because it was our last day before we headed back to the states, and it was the last day I would see Brenton for a while.

    I honestly have mixed feelings about Brenton, he's really sweet and he's been one of my best friends for a really long time, but i've also always had a small crush on him, not major feelings but they were there.

•at airport

    Brenton and I were walking into the airport when a few girls came up to me asking for a picture and of course I said yes i mean they're my fans. Once I was done I looked around for Brenton but didn't see him anywhere. I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail.

    After walking around for a bit I finally spotted him sitting down on his phone.

   "Why'd you leave?" I asked

  He looked up at me but then went straight back to his phone.

   I quickly snatched his phone and asked, "Whats the matter?"

    "Katlyn your famous now you don't need me following you around anymore."

   "Brenton, you're my best friend there's no way I would ever want to lose you!" I said

   After I said that he sat back down and put his head in his hands.

  He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "Katlyn, I don't want to lose you."

   "You won't."

     When I got back to the hotel I went to my room to start packing my things.

   About ten minutes into me packing my stuff someone knocked on my door.

   When I opened it I saw the last person I ever wasn't to see.

   "What do you want Taylor?" I said in an annoyed voice.

   "Can we please talk." He said with his in his pockets and staring at the floor.

    "What's there to talk about?"

"Im sorry"

    "Taylor you CHEATED on me with my "best friend" I said with air quotes around it.

    "I know and it was so stupid and i'm sorry i don't know what i was thinking i cared about you and only you. I've never had an actual girlfriend other ten you, all the other girls i was ever with were total sluts, well everyone but you and that's why i liked you because you don't layer 5 pounds of makeup on you face and you're not slutty you're just, you." he said finally looking at me.

  I quietly said "Taylor I'm sorry." and shut the door.

    I ran into the bathroom and broke into tears, little did Taylor know all i wanted to do was kiss him, hug him and be with him,

   but i'm just to afraid to get hurts again.


😝😝 i hope you liked it and make sure to VOTE AND COMMENT😘😘 -ella

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