part 24

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Katlyns POV
     I slowly started walking up the driveway towards the house. I was getting really nervous I had no idea what I was gonna say to her.

   I saw my moms car in the driveway. I got to the door and knocked.

   I heard footsteps, every single time I heard a thud from a footstep my heart starting beating faster and faster.

   I expected my mom, but it wasn't, it was some dude.

   "Hello miss what can I do for you." he asked me.

   "Umm is Brandy here?" (I guess that's her moms name now😂)

    "Yeah BRANDY!"

   ""WHAT?" she yelled back.


   Then I saw my mom walking down the stairs.

  "Come one in." the man said to me.

   Then we made eye contact and her smile faded.

   "Dave can I talk to her alone please?" He nodded clearly confused by the situation.

   "What do you want?" she asked me.

   "Im sorry for what I said and how I acted towards you. It-it wasn't right and I know that. You probably don't care but I through I would just come here anyways and tell you."

   The next thing I knew she was hugging me and crying at the same time.

   "Im sorry to" she said

AYE  I updated its boring i know but here ya go😘😘


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