part 5

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      Katlyns POV
   Me and Cameron started walking back to the hotel when some fans stopped us, we quickly took the pictures and left.

-back at the hotel-

     Cameron and I walked in the door and everyone was staring at us. "What? we didn't do anything weird we just talked!" i said putting my hands up in defense because i new they were gonna interrogate us about what had happened.

    "mhmm" becca said with a smirk.

"Becca come here for a second." i asked her then practically dragged her into the room.

     "I'm gonna tell you about what happened and you can't freak out ok!"

  "ugh ok!"

  I quickly told her about how cameron was my brother and by the end of my story she was so confused.

   "So cameron's"

"Yeah." i said flatly.

We walked back in the room and everyone was staring at us, it looked like cameron told them.

   "Did Cameron tell you?" they all nodded their heads.

"Ok well i'm going to bed" i announced

Becca followed me into our room and poured all her feelings out at once and all i under stood was "dhjghjnbhj" so yeah i had no idea what she just said.

    "Say it again but slower so i can understand you."

     "I really like taylor and i really think he likes me and i want him to ask me out but I'm afraid he won't because what if he's afraid i won't say yes but i totally would because ya know he's UGH😍 ( she was saying he's so hot.)

   I was surprised, i knew she thought he was hot but now all of that, I don't want to ruin our friendship and guys never come first in a friendship even if you're in love with the guy, you best friend always comes first, or do they?


hey guys i hope you enjoyed and it's my summer break now so hopefully i will be updating more often! i will try to post another chapter tomorrow! -ella

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