Ch. 15

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"Kenichi-kun..." Hiyori's voice made Kenichi snap back to reality. "I d-don't want this..." She put a hand on his chest and slightly pushed him away.

"I...I'm you..." A tear fell from her eyes as she ran away from him and out of the room.

Kenichi stared at the opened door. His jaw dropped.

"Now...what happened?" He asked himself, then sat on his bed. He pushed his hands into his hair.


Hiyori closed the door of her room and then plopped down on the floor, tears continued to fall from her eyes.

Absent-mindedly, her finger touched her lips where Kenichi had kissed. She could still feel his lips on her. She blushed at the thought and closed her eyes while the image of Kenichi came to her.

Hiyori, admittedly, still loves him since the day they met in school but she only denies how she felt for him because she's afraid that maybe one day, he'll leave her again and she don't want that to happen. Never again.

She looked up at the ceiling while her tears continued to fall from her eyes. She've then decided...

Without further thinking, Hiyori stood up from where she sat, wiped off her tears, opened the door of her room and then went out.

Her mom heard her from the living room and saw her passed by. "Hiyori-chan, where are you going? Its already late..."

"I'm going next door...I'll be back soon, Oka-san." and then went out of the apartment, closing the door behind her - without waiting for her mom's reply.


Hiyori stood before Kenichi's apartment and stared at the door, thinking whether to press the door bell or not.

She sighed before pressing the door bell to his apartment.

"Coming!" Hiyori heard Kenichi's mom called out from the inside.

A few seconds later, the door opened and his mom stood before her. "Oh, Hiyori-chan. Did you forget something?"

"Uhmm...y-yes...I forgot something in Kenichi's room. Sorry for the intrusion..." Hiyori lied, looking down at her feet.

"It's okay. You can go ahead..." Seri-san opened the door widely for her to enter the apartment. "Kenichi-kun's in his room..."

"Domo arigato, Seri-san..." Hiyori bowed slightly and then went in, taking off her shoes and put it aside. "I'll be fast..." She said to her before going to the direction of Kenichi's room.

"You can stay as long as you want, Hiyori-chan..." Hiyori heard his mom said before closing the door with a click. "I'll be in the master's bedroom if you need anything else..."

"Domo..." Hiyori said with a slight bow, moved on then headed to Kenichi's room upstairs.


Hiyori's heart raced as she stared at the closed door of Kenichi's room. She's been thinking whether to knock or not but thought of the latter.

Here goes nothing, she thought and before she could change her mind, Hiyori quickly opened the door and went in, closing the door behind her.



Hi guys! How have you been doing? I'm DEEPLY SORRY for the VERY LATE update of this story. I've been busy in my school days and this month I'm having my OJT. So pls bare with me.

Anyway, I hope this update is okay with you guys. Though its kinda short and I apologize for that. Thanks for understanding!

Take care! :)

Love That Will Last ForeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon