Ch. 16

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Kenichi stared at the starry night outside the window while he's been standing next to his bed, half-naked, wearing only his cotton pajama pants he usually wear even with the aircon turned on.

The lights were off and he was ready to sleep and yet he couldn't sleep. He've been thinking of what had happened earlier. Thinking of the stupid things he had done to Hiyori earlier this afternoon.

"Ugh, I really hate myself," Kenichi muttered under his breath.

A few minutes later, Kenichi heard his door clicked open. He thought that it might be his mom and tell him that she have forgotten something. But...

When he turned around, he was surprised to see Hiyori standing a few meters away from him, closing the door behind her. She was still in her uniform with her knee-length socks on.

What is she doing here?, he thought incredulously, aware of her looking at him from his face to his bare foot.

He could slightly see the faint blush on her cheeks because of the light coming outside from the moon.

Kenichi cleared his throat before asking, "why are you here? Isn't your mom going to get mad going to a guy's room this late?"

Geez, mom. Why did you let her in!, he thought to himself, feeling somewhat annoyed towards his mother and somehow felt irritated at himself, standing in front of her half-naked.

Hiyori walked towards him without saying anything and stopped just a few inches away from him before he could even move to get his shirt.

He gulped. What do she think she's doing?, he thought as Hiyori reached for him and her hands touched both sides of his face. He could feel how cold her hands were despite of its slight shaking.

Without thinking, Kenichi held out his right hand and held her hand on his right cheek, squeezing it with his. He heard her soft gasp as he did so.

"Why are you here?" He repeated his voice husky, staring straight into the deep pools of her eyes.

But she didn't say anything instead, Hiyori tip-toed, pushed herself to him and kissed him right on his lips. His mouth slightly agape because of the shock.

Kenichi's eyes widened at the sudden act.

Hiyori on the other hand, deepened the kiss. When he didn't react, she wrapped her arms around his shoulder and pushed herself further to him, his chest touching hers.

After the sudden shock, Kenichi's hands went to her slim waist, and pulled her more closer. He could almost feel the fast beating of her heart, synchronizing with his.

Hiyori's hands shifted and went under his hair, pulling him even more closer, not leaving any space between them. She already could feel the heat that was already forming around them - even with the cold air coming out from the aircon.

Kenichi's muscles at his back flexed as Hiyori's hands dared stroked his back, feeling them.

He could even feel the rising of her breasts pressing against his, brushing through her blouse.

Darn it!, he cursed at himself inwardly. This is wrong, but my mind was not telling me to stop.

Its now or never. She'll have to punch me if I kiss her further but to his surprise, Hiyori didn't push him away when his tongue slipped into her mouth, instead she let him explore. Their tongue intertwined with each other, moaning to the pleasure their feeling now.

I have to stop now, or else...

Kenichi slowly stopped from doing anything further and pulled himself away from her.

Love That Will Last ForeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon