Chapter 1

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Ariana's POV

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Ariana's POV

"Let's go, coyotes, let's go!" I yelled, sighing as I watched them play basketball.

I wish I could play. 'No Ariana, basketball is for boys.' Mom always said. 'Then why do they have girls teams?' I would say. 'Those girls don't know what they're doing. You should be very happy to be a cheerleader. You've been one since you were 4.' 'I've wanted to play basketball since I was 4.'

"Ariana! Snap out of it. The game is over, they won." Ashley says, shaking my shoulder.

"Sorry, Ash. Just thinking. Where's Jessica?"

"Probably making out with another football player. She'll turn up. Let's go." We both grab our bags and walk out of the gym.

"Hey Ariana! Great job tonight. You're such an amazing cheerleader." Benny says, smiling at me.

"Thanks. I have to go. Bye." He waves and I smile, following Ashley out of the school.

We're already at Ashley's car when I realize I forgot my phone.

"Oh, my phone. I'll be right back, Ash."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, I'm fine. Just meet me at the front of the school." She nods and I walk back to the school.

I go into the gym, looking around the bleachers for my phone.

"Hey! What are you doing?" The janitor says, causing me to scream.

"Mel. Please don't do that again. You scared the crap out of me."

"Sorry, Ariana. What are you doing in here, though."

"Looking for my phone. Have you seen it?"

"You kids and your phones. I saw a boy from the other team asking people if it was their's. He's in the hallway."

"Thanks. See you tomorrow." I smile and walk into the hallway outside of the gym.

"I found this phone in the gym. Does it belong to anyone?" A boy walks down the hallway, holding my phone in the air.

"Isn't that Ariana's phone?" Some girl says to her friends.

They shrug and walk outside, the rest of the hallway slowly clearing as I make my way to the boy.

"Excuse me. I think that's my phone." He turns around, smiling.

"Here you go. Aren't you a cheerleader?"

"Well, yeah. Can't you tell from the uniform? You play basketball, right?"

"Yep. It's pretty cool."

"I know. I really wanna play but my mom won't let me. I've been cheerleading since I was 4, which is the same age I discovered basketball."

"I can play with you, if you want. Maybe on Saturday at the park?"

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