Chapter 10

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Ariana's POV

"Next time you go with my best friend to the hospital, don't forget your phone." Jessica says, giving Justin his phone.

"Well, I was kind of worried about if she was gonna be OK, so that thought didn't really cross my mind." He replies.


"Shut up!" I groan, pushing past them and walking into the living room.

"How are you, Ari?" Ashley says, rolling her eyes at the two behind me.

"Fine. Thanks Ashley." I sit on the couch and my phone rings.

"Oh great. Its my mom. Fucking Jennifer probably saw me fall off a fucking roof and now she's fucking being a fucking snitch because she can't mind her own fucking business." (A\N I literally died writing this sentence.)

"Calm down. Everything will be alright." Ashley says.

I answer my phone and put it to my ear.

"Yes mom?"

"Oh my God, Ariana! Are you OK?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Why are you falling off roofs and getting taken away by ambulances?"

"I think you just answered your own question. Who told you? Jennifer?"

"Yes. But, she said-"

"Tell her I said that she needs to mind her own business. She's such a nosey ass bitch." Ashley and Justin gasp, staring at me and I shrug.


"Sorry, but its the truth."

"Watch your language talking to me. Anyway, she also said you were kissing a boy before you fell. She said it looking like Thomas." I scream and throw my phone against the wall.

"If that didn't break the goddamn phone, I don't know what will." I walk to pick up the pieces, concluding that it is broken.

A few minutes later, Ashley's phone rings and she answer it.

"Its for you." She says quietly, handing me her phone.

I roll my eyes and put it to my ear.

"Please don't throw it." She says.


"Ariana, who was the boy?"

"Alright, fine! His name is Justin. And yes, I was kissing him. Is that what you wanted to know?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because you're so obsessed with Liam. If you didn't know, we broke up. He's a fucking dickhead!"

"OK, Ariana, calm down. Its OK. I'm sorry I didn't realize that he didn't make you happy. Does Justin make you happy?"

"Yes mom, very."

"Then I'm fine with it. As long as he's not a dickhead." I giggle.

"What happened to your phone?"

"First of all, I fell off a roof and smashed it. Second, you pissed me off so I threw it against the wall."

"So I'm guessing you're gonna need another one?"


"Alrighty then. I'll send an email to the phone company. They'll tell me when its ready."

"Thank you. Can you just stop listening to Jennifer?"

"Well she's telling the truth..."


"Ok, I'll tell her she can stop watching you. I also know you had a huge party the night I left. And she just texted me that you broke your arm. But that's it."

"Fractured. And can I please go say something to her?"

"Ariana. Be nice, please. She's making sure you're safe while I'm not there."

"I'm not her responsibility. She needs to worry about herself."

"She's been lonely ever since her last kid left for college. She had nothing else to do."

"Do you want me to get her a cat?"

"She doesn't need a cat. She already has 7."

"I'm sure she could use another one. Just tell her to mind her own business. Please."

"I'm not gonna say that. Its rude."

"Something like that. I don't need her spying on me every second of the day."

"Ok, I will. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." I hang up and give the phone back to Ashley.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything's fine."

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