Chapter 9

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Ariana's POV

"We'll be back. Justin, get your jacket." He walks to the coat rack and grabs his jacket, following me upstairs.

I stop in my room to get my shoes then go to the attic door.

"Where are we going?"

"The roof. Be careful, its probably slippery." We walk up the attic stairs and I turn on the one light in the room.

"How are we gonna get there?"

"A window. Duh." I open the window and climb out onto the roof.

Justin follows and we sit down.

"It looks like a Winter Wonderland out here. Its beautiful."

"Enough of the girly shit. What you bring me up here for?"

"So we could be alone, dumbass. Even though one of them is most likely gonna show up in 5 minutes or so."

"Well then. What are we waiting for?" He smirks and I put my lips on his.

I place my hand on his chest again and scoot closer, if that's possible.

"Justin, someone's calling you!" Ashley says.

"Oh my God. Can you come back tomorrow when they're not here?"

"Anything for you, princess. I'll be back." He kisses my forehead before standing up and walking to the window.

A few seconds later, the house starts shaking.

"Stupid earthquakes." Then, it starts shaking harder.

"I probably shouldn't have said that." I stand up and start walking to the window but slip and fall backwards.

"Justin!" I scream before falling off the roof and landing on my arm in the melting snow.

Justin's POV

"Justin!" Ariana screams.

I drop my phone and run to the window, climbing out as fast as possible. I walk to the spot we were at but she's no longer there.

"Ariana?" I turn around, thinking the worst has happened, and look over the edge.

"Oh my God. Ariana!" I walk quickly to the window and climb inside, running downstairs and outside.

"Please be OK." I pick her up and run inside, placing her on the couch.

"Call 911." Jessica grabs her phone and dials the number.

"What happened?" Ashley says.

"The earthquake, she was on the roof, she slipped. Her arm is swelling up and bleeding. I think she broke it. Get me some ice and a towel." Ashley runs into the kitchen and I gently move her arm onto her stomach.

"They want to know what happened." Jessica says.

"She slipped and fell off the roof. I think she's unconscious and her arm might be broken."

"They have an ambulance on the way but it might not get here that quick because of the roads. Keep ice on her arm until they get here."

Ashley hands me a bag of ice and I hold it on her arm.

"Please don't die, Ari. I love you like a sister." She says.

10 minutes later, an ambulance shows up and they bring a stretcher inside.

"Who's going with her?" The paramedic says.

"Justin, you go. We'll stay here." I nod and follow them inside the ambulance.

"She's gonna be OK. Don't worry." The paramedic says, connecting her to a bag of liquid. (A\N I have no idea what its called. It might be morphine but I'm not sure. So Justin's not gonna know what its called because I don't.)

I hold her hand throughout the entire ride to the hospital.

"She'll most likely be awake in the next hour or two." I follow them to the operating room but they don't allow me to go in.

"I'm sorry. You can't go in there." The nurse says.

I sigh and sit in the waiting room.

1 Hour Later

"Ariana Grande." I stand up and walk to her room.

She's sitting up in bed with a purple cast on her arm.

She's sitting up in bed with a purple cast on her arm

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"Hey." She says quietly.

"You're awake. Do you feel OK?" I walk to her bed side and sit down.

"I guess. It hurts though. This shit sucks." She laughs and I smile.

"Did they tell you when you could leave? I hate hospitals."

"They said I don't have to stay overnight. And unfortunately for you, we can leave when the doctor comes back in."

"Well Miss Ariana. I suggest you don't fall off any more roofs. Be careful with you arm, and take these painkillers if you experience any pain. Other than that, you should be fine."

"Thank you. Can we go now?"

"Yes you can. Have a good night." She gets out of the bed and looks at me.

"How are we gonna get back?"

"I didn't exactly think this through. I'll call Ashley." I reach in my pocket for my phone and remember I left it in the attic.

"About that. I left my phone at your house. Is yours still in your pocket?"

"Yeah but its cracked as fuck. Don't cut yourself."

"Who said I'm calling her?"

"The one with a broken arm. Stop being complicated and call her."


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