Chapter 17

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Ariana's POV



"The baby's crying."

"Why don't you go get her?"

"You're laying on me." I sit up and yawn.

"What time is it?"


"3 more hours." I stand up and walk to the bedroom.

Meghan's still asleep but Kaely's sitting up, crying her eyes out. I pick her up from the bed and walk out of the room.

"Here's your adorable little baby." I say, handing her to Justin.

"What am I supposed to do with her?"

"I'm sure you'll figure something out. I'll be back." I walk in the kitchen to make a bottle and give it to Justin.

"How does this work?"

"You put that in her mouth and she does the rest."

"That sounds so wrong."

"No it doesn't. You just have a 'wrong' mind." He laughs and I sit next to him on the couch.

By the time Kaely finishes the bottle, she's asleep again and Justin keeps her with him while I wash the empty bottle.

"Aww, isn't that cute?" I say, walking back to the living room.


"I dont know why, but she kind of looks like you."

"That's weird." He says.

"I hope you know she's gonna drool on you. Here." I hand him a towel which he holds in his hand, looking at me.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"My God. You need help." I place the towel on his chest and he repositions Kaely so anything that cokes out of her mouth will fall onto it.

"That's what you do with it. You're welcome."

"Thanks, I guess." I laugh and into the bedroom to check on Meghan.

She's still asleep so I walk back to the living room and sit down. I turn on the TV and change it to AHS.

"I hope Meghan doesn't come in here. She would be freaked out." Justin says.

"This show isn't even scary."

"Says you, who's probably been watching it since you were 2."

"It didn't even exist when I was 2. The first scary show I watched was in, like, 2000. It was Scary, But True."

"Of course. Because that makes so much sense." He says.

I roll my eyes and he lays down on the couch.

"Don't drop the baby."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're going to sleep. Just give her to me." I take the baby from him and she lays asleep on my chest.

Justin falls asleep 5 minutes later and Meghan comes in after that, forcing me to change the channel.

2 1\2 Hours Later

"When will daddy be here?" Meghan says.

"In about 30 minutes. Are you ready to go home?"

"No. I wanna stay here with you."

"You can't do that. I have school."

"I can come with you."

"No, you can't. You have to be in high school to come to high school. Sorry, Meg."

"But I don't wanna go home!" She whines, crossing her arms.

"There's nothing I can do about that. I'm sure you'll come over another time."

"Fine." She pouts.

"You'll be ok."

"No, I won't."

"Yes, you will."

"No, I won't."

"Yes, you will."

"No, I won't."


"Ariana, are you really having an argument with a 3 year old?" Justin says.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I was until you woke me up." He runs his hands through his hair, yawning.

"Get over it." I place Kaely on the ground and she sits next to Meghan.

"Teddy." She says, reading for Meghan's bear.


"I want Teddy!" She balls her hands into fists, kicking her feet.

"Teddy is mine."

"Gimme Teddy!" She screams, her face turning red.

I pick her up off the ground, bouncing her up and down in my lap.

"Calm down, K."

"Teddy! Teddy! Teddy! Teddy!" She yells, trying to break free from my hands.

Justin takes her from me, whispers something in her ear and she immediately shuts up.

"What did you say?" I ask as he places her back on the ground.

"Sorry, I can't tell you." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

The doorbell rings and Meghan runs to the door. I walk to open it and Meghan jumps in her fathers arms.


"Hey, Meg. I see Ariana managed not to burn the house down while you were here."

"Haha, very funny. Take your kids."

"Aww, tired of kids? Don't worry, I felt the same way about you and your brother."

"Shut up." Justin walks in with Kaely and her stuff, giving it to Rick.

"Ooh, who's this?"

"A boy."

"What's his name?"

"Justin. Nice to meet you." Justin extends his hand and Rick shakes it.

"You look very familiar. Have we met before?"

"Not that I know of."

"Oh well. Ariana, is this your boyfriend?"

"No." I sigh.


"What else?" I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"OK. Nice meeting you, Justin. Thank you for babysitting, Ariana."

"No problem. Bye." Meghan waves and they walk to his car.

I close the door and Justin plants a kiss on my lips.

"You'll be my girlfriend soon, sweetness." He smirks and I giggle.

"We'll see."

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